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 » Comment on: Pokemon Black and White Review
Captain Durden Pacific Ocean

  Fri, April 1st, 2011 at 06:46
okay, so basically it's still the same game it was almost 15 years ago, but they once again made just enough tweaks and improvements to keep the fan-boys satisfied? that's so unlike nintendo! i'll be staying clear of this, i had my fair share of pokeymanz when i was 15 and so far none of the newer games gave me any reason to go back there. there's so many better rpg's out there, the amount of attention pokeymanz garner each time one of those remakes is released just makes me sad.

not as sad as the gushing over the OoT remake though, IT'S ANOTHER REMAKE FOR FUCK'S SAKE, DOESN'T ANYONE WANT TO SEE A "NEW" NINTENDO GAME FOR ONCE?
call me crazy, but how awesome would it be if nintendo tries an entirely new IP for once? nah, fuck that, let's just remake pokey and zelda and mario games til the cows come home. every once in a while someone remembers an old nes-era IP and remakes that (kid icarus, metroid, excitebike) but there's nothing new, ever. i love nintendo as much as the next guy, it completely ruled my childhood, but a little courage would be nice for once, not just a line-up that consists of remade games and recycled characters. am i the only one who isn't excited when he hears "hey guess what? we're gonna redo starfox.... after we're done revisiting zelda, f-zero, pokeymanz, mario, metroid, kirby, wario, mario kart, tetris and donkey kong! wait, you want what? a portable smash bros? not gonna happen broheim, we need a USP for the wii, after all. in the meantime, why don't you just idolize reggie and shigeru and iwata like they're the bastard children of steve jobs and jesus? wait, we'll even put them on shirts for you......"

i guess i'm the only one, but ninny's marketing strategies piss me off to no end at this point. we need another real console war, we need people to challenge nintendo again (and not just by ripping of their ideas for peripherals and input methods), people that aren't content with just pandering to the mindless fps/ halo/ mmorpg/ graphics whores demographic of videogamers, we once again need a company that does what nintendoesn't, instead of a bunch of pussies that only look after their revenue streams and use their videogame departments to make up for the losses other parts of their company generate. we need a true gamers company, like sega and SCEA once were, companies that aren't afraid to try something new for once.

i'll buy a 3ds when i see the first decent first-party game that is not based on an existing IP.


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