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 » Nintendo DS Software
  X-Change 3 beta 14
Posted by Triforce on Tue, April 20th, 2010 at 02:28 - 19 Comments
Triforce United Kingdom

X-Change 3 beta 14
PC to NDS port

smileynator has been working on a port of the PC erotic game "X-Change 3" The original graphics are all in there (resized and re-sampled of course) it has the original soundtrack as well. This release is only about 1/15th finished in terms of the text content. What he has got done seems to be working fine, considering it was put together in DS Game Maker. He's come stuck though, doesn't know how to load and unload images from the RAM, I'm sure someone can help him out with that. Oh, and although there's a splash screen warning at the start, this beta doesn't actually contain any 18+ scenes yet!

Download Download docs [Via NDS Uncensored]

 » Comment on: X-Change 3 beta 14
MyNameIsNobody United States

  Tue, April 20th, 2010 at 03:14
I'm not a huge fan of porn games, but like I was saying about a month ago, I'd like software for making visual-novels that the DS can handle.
 » Quoting: Comment on: X-Change 3 beta 14
kesadisan Indonesia

  Tue, April 20th, 2010 at 04:05
MyNameIsNobody on Tue, April 20th, 2010 at 03:14 [»]

I'm not a huge fan of porn games, but like I was saying about a month ago, I'd like software for making visual-novels that the DS can handle.

I don't think any, but this comes out first when you said that

anyway, lol for X-Change 3, I actually own the game, and it was cross gender game... pretty funny 'cause the the male(before turning to be female) is actually pretty, while later he/she find out one of his/her women he/she love is actually futa, and later the game is like stupid story...
 » Comment on: X-Change 3 beta 14
Shintek Germany

  Tue, April 20th, 2010 at 08:07
The only real xchange I played so far, wasn't that bad but I am not a big fan of the artwork.

^ Kinda related atm

This post has been edited by Shintek, Tue, April 20th, 2010 at 08:08
 » Comment on: X-Change 3 beta 14
heintsi Finland

  Tue, April 20th, 2010 at 13:34
kesadisan on Tue, April 20th, 2010 at 04:05 [»]

is actually futa

eh, no.
 » Quoting: Quoting: Comment on: X-Change 3 beta 14
MyNameIsNobody United States

  Tue, April 20th, 2010 at 15:10
kesadisan on Tue, April 20th, 2010 at 04:05 [»]

MyNameIsNobody on Tue, April 20th, 2010 at 03:14 [»]

I'm not a huge fan of porn games, but like I was saying about a month ago, I'd like software for making visual-novels that the DS can handle.

I don't think any, but this comes out first when you said that

Oh yeah, good call. I have to learn how to write scripts for it though, because nobody made any serious tutorials like they did for Ren'py.
 » Quoting: Comment on: X-Change 3 beta 14
Smileynator Man Isle of

  Thu, April 22nd, 2010 at 03:16
MyNameIsNobody on Tue, April 20th, 2010 at 03:14 [»]

I'm not a huge fan of porn games, but like I was saying about a month ago, I'd like software for making visual-novels that the DS can handle.

Since i made this game so far. I would say. the ''engine'' as you may call it. Is quite easy. If you have DS gamemaker, i can even give you the actions. Each ''case'' you can set the top image, text, and text location. Below that, you can make custom stuff (Like adding an option menu if required.) and well the change the lower image. but i didnt require that in my case.
I'm glad people like it this far! The reason i planned on a 18+ game. Is just because there isnt (or isnt much) Porn on the DS. And there have been people asking for it.

The reason for the 18+ warning. Is for when the game gets that far. It needs to be there to publish it on DSGM forums legally. (anywhere else 2 i guess.)

If you got any questions towards me, feel free to ask. If you got any solution to my problem, Please do share!

PS: A request from me personally. For your own good. Link to either NDSuncencored or DSGM forums to download the latest version. If beta 15 eventually comes, i want people to see it :)

Enjoy the game,

This post has been edited by Smileynator, Thu, April 22nd, 2010 at 03:58
 » Comment on: X-Change 3 beta 14
MyNameIsNobody United States

  Thu, April 22nd, 2010 at 04:51
Good stuff (about DS Game Maker), I'll keep that in mind. For now I'm going to see what DS Visual Novel Reader is capable of. If I find that too limited I'll jump on Game Maker.

Here's the thing: so long as the script can handle a ton of variables (and a decent amount of manipulation of said variables), I'm in business. I don't exactly know the details of when too many variables becomes "too much information". Suffice to say, I'm not interested in making simple VN with a few branching paths. I make goddamn space traders.
 » Comment on: X-Change 3 beta 14
Smileynator Man Isle of

  Thu, April 22nd, 2010 at 05:18
If i understand correctly, You want to save variables to let the game know what the user picked. And also know what path its going and thus show the correct ending?
Truth be told. my game only involves minor paths in the beginning. From where i am now onwards. I stand before that very same problem. Though since i already successfully save and load 4 slots and load ''rooms'' and ''line numbers'' I have no clue why that would not work with more variables. (loading and saving would take a tad longer maybe?) Play my game and save and load it. Youl see it saves what part of the story your in ( Though the room numbers dont say alot to regular players, i might change it to shorts words about where in the game you are ) It shows exactly where you are and all :)
If your interested and get into DSGM. Feel free to ask me or the community about this ( Though the community of DSGM are alot of young guys. I'm 2nd oldest person there and im 19y old. (if im correct))
I am one of the first that uses this much save and load actions in 1 game. So yeah not to brag about it, but i think i would be your man to explain it for a bit :)

Good luck with the game! I hope i get this 4MB limit thing solved before you run into things like that! (many backgrounds == alot of space :) )
 » Comment on: X-Change 3 beta 14
MyNameIsNobody United States

  Thu, April 22nd, 2010 at 16:08
Well, what I try to do is create an environment the player can move around in. Like when you're given an option, it's something like "walk down the street" or "go back home". And you can return to places whenever you want, or go somewhere else and advance the story. The trick I use so that you can revisit certain places after you advance the story (so that you can find new events) is by creating a new variable for every separate location. So my variable list looks like:

place 1 = 0
place 2 = 0
place 3 = 0...

And the first time the player enters any given location, the variable increases 1:

place 1 + 1
...and so forth. This way the player feels like they are in a real environment with dynamic events, rather than a point A to point B VN. The obvious problem is that I end up dealing with a lot of variables. Not a problem for any old PC, but I'm not sure if this is something these DS VN programs can handle (I seriously don't know, my computer knowledge is extremely poor).
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