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 » Nintendo DS Software
  OsoScript Ver0.02
Posted by Triforce on Mon, January 11th, 2010 at 21:09 - 4 Comments
Triforce United Kingdom

遅スクリプト(OsoScript) Ver0.02
Tarosa's latest project

Tarosa has been working on a scripting language for the DS called OsoScript. If you can read Japanese then you might find the documentation useful on his new blog

Download Download docs Via たろサ(Tarosa)

 » Comment on: OsoScript Ver0.02
cilantro Arctic Ocean

  Mon, January 11th, 2010 at 23:29
For those who can read japanese: What kind of functionality does this scripting language have? Does it have some sort of rendering/drawing and/or audio libraries?
 » Comment on: OsoScript Ver0.02
MyNameIsNobody United States

  Tue, January 12th, 2010 at 01:03
Its main feature is that it's slow as hell, hence the name "OsoScript" (slow script). All I could discern from the technobabble was that you shouldn't have any expectations for it, it's just his hobby. Maybe that's just Japanese modesty? (sorry I can't be more helpful, I have little to no understanding of computer science)
 » Quoting: Comment on: OsoScript Ver0.02
kesadisan Indonesia

  Tue, January 12th, 2010 at 03:43
MyNameIsNobody on Tue, January 12th, 2010 at 01:03 [»]

Its main feature is that it's slow as hell, hence the name "OsoScript" (slow script). All I could discern from the technobabble was that you shouldn't have any expectations for it, it's just his hobby. Maybe that's just Japanese modesty? (sorry I can't be more helpful, I have little to no understanding of computer science)

lol that's why it called Osoi... Slow, and the Icon is snail
just what this scripting do?
 » Comment on: OsoScript Ver0.02
cilantro Arctic Ocean

  Tue, January 12th, 2010 at 15:05
Ok, I finally got around to download the damn thing and take a look. It's just a toy programming language, with a C-style syntax and an ugly function naming convention. And yes, it's terribly slow.

@MyNameIsNobody: Thanks for your help :)
@kesadisan: OsoScript allows you to write your own programs and run them on the DS without the need to set up a complete toolchain. Maybe it can be used for very simple games/demos but not much more. At least in its current state.

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