Is this a remake of that classic Titanic adventure game? I loved that when I was a kid! lol
I barely remember it. Mostly just trying to find that painting by hitler and that book of poetry. It was one of my favorite adventure games though (and when did that genre shift to being called point-and-click adventures, anyway?). Black Dahlia was probably my absolute favorite though~
(and when did that genre shift to being called point-and-click adventures, anyway?)
Maybe when people started figuring out how to make different ways to play games? I remember playing the crap out of Full Throttle when I was a kid and I didn't even know what I should call it. I just called it computer game. I still have the CD and instruction booklet that came with my aunt's multimedia kit.
I love point and click titles, though I'm still waiting for a good translation to the DS. A lot of companies are down scaling PC games to the DS, but most result in several issues such as pixelhunting... It would be nice to see some effort being made into a fully new point and click adventure for the DS, since the die hards have already played most of what is being released on the DS (Syberia, Runaway,..), or would rather play it on PC (Syberia!).
It's not really an adventure game with a story line, it's more of a "look for stuff on the screen" thing. They do tell a (boring) story, but only with interstitial texts - which I stopped reading pretty fast.
Not to mention, it takes some real programming skills, the way they got the DS screen this incredibly unresponsive. Prepare to tap the same thing three times on screen before it reacts.