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 » Nintendo DS Software
  Take the eggs! Ornithorhynchus Anatinus GO GO GO! DS v0.2a
Posted by Triforce on Sun, September 14th, 2008 at 01:43 - 19 Comments
Triforce United Kingdom


We've put out a new version of take the eggs, quite a lot has changed in this release thanks to retrohead. World 2 has been added which means 3 extra stages to the game. The CPU artificial intelligence has been improved and 4 new characters have been added. There is a very small bug in this release; In rare circumstances, if the player gets hit while setting a trap (see image below) the fried egg will not appear and will be invisible. We would like you to help us try and track down the exact source of this problem (please read retroheads comment in this thread for more details if you would like to help).

    * Multiplayer menu is now open. This allows you to choose your opponents.
      You can only play against the CPU at this moment in time.
    * Stage Select menu added. Choose your favourite and how many eggs to get.
    * Inludes an extra world (3 stages), The City, which also includes enemies
    * Ghost power-up aka Death Messenger is now included.
    * New "Stage Results" screen added for single player mode.
    * Improved CPU AI. They can now tell what objects are around them (sort of).
    * 5 characters are now selectable from the character select menu. (Multi).
    * Couple of new SoundFx added.

** Known Problems **

    * Possible "invisible fried egg bug" when player gets hit as they are about
      to drop an egg. Feedback on this bug is appreciated if you experience this.


 » Comment on: Take the eggs! Ornithorhynchus Anatinus GO GO GO! DS v0.2a
retrohead United Kingdom

  Sun, September 14th, 2008 at 01:51
The bug is actually quite rare to find and is more common on The City level. If anyone runs into this I would be interested to know how it happened. i.e. If it happened after a player got hit by a bomb, car, dash attack or ghost. There is a fix in place for this but the bug still persists at times. I hope you can help me to track it down :)

There is also the occasional flicker with the 3D sprites in this version but I have got a little fed up coding new sequences just to find the flicker come back. I have now decided to finish the game first then come back and shuffle the code around once everything is in place to make it smoother.

I hope you find this version a bit more playable than the last one. The AI still needs alot of work but they are not quite so stupid now. The CPU has been known to win so watch your backs :P
 » Comment on: Take the eggs! Ornithorhynchus Anatinus GO GO GO! DS v0.2a
Predator04 United States

  Sun, September 14th, 2008 at 03:52
man that's a lot of fun. would be cool for some wifi multiplayer. maybe some touch screen mini games? or just touchscreen moving? love everything about it. menu is nice love the sound fx. and gameplay is great! can wait to see more updates! keep it up! thanks alot!

If you need some beta testers.. let me know!

Edit: How do you pass the bomb?

This post has been edited by Predator04, Sun, September 14th, 2008 at 04:31
 » Comment on: Take the eggs! Ornithorhynchus Anatinus GO GO GO! DS v0.2a
Triforce United Kingdom

  Sun, September 14th, 2008 at 04:50
Thanks a lot we would really appreciate more comments on the game, good or bad. Wi-Fi multiplayer will be added but it will likely be the last thing implemented into the game. I happened to find another small bug today, well more or a glitch than a bug.

In multiplayer mode on the character select or world select screens it sometimes (seems very random) happens to place the tv screen on top of the platypus head. It will either put both the static and the character stats sprites on the layer above, and other times only one out the 2 sprites will end up on the top most layer. Kinda hard to explain so i made an animated gif.

Seeing as i only done original graphics for the game and i'm not coding it, retrohead will have to look at this. My guess is that it could just be a problem with the order the images get loaded into fat?

Like i say sometimes it is just the Stats sprite that ends up on top, other times its both the stats and the static, same on World select as well. Very random but it happened on more than one occasion while testing 0.2a build.

 » Quoting: Comment on: Take the eggs! Ornithorhynchus Anatinus GO GO GO! DS v0.2a
Predator04 United States

  Sun, September 14th, 2008 at 05:17
Triforce on Sun, September 14th, 2008 at 04:50 [»]

Thanks a lot we would really appreciate more comments on the game, good or bad. Wi-Fi multiplayer will be added but it will likely be the last thing implemented into the game. I happened to find another small bug today, well more or a glitch than a bug.

In multiplayer mode on the character select or world select screens it sometimes (seems very random) happens to place the tv screen on top of the platypus head. It will either put both the static and the character stats sprites on the layer above, and other times only one out the 2 sprites will end up on the top most layer. Kinda hard to explain so i made an animated gif.

Seeing as i only done original graphics for the game and i'm not coding it, retrohead will have to look at this. My guess is that it could just be a problem with the order the images get loaded into fat?

Like i say sometimes it is just the Stats sprite that ends up on top, other times its both the stats and the static, same on World select as well. Very random but it happened on more than one occasion while testing 0.2a build.

Multiplayer Tv Graphic Bug
I was able to reproduce the bug.. and this is how
1. Load the game
2. Go to multiplayer Hit A
3. Hit B to go back to main menu
4. Repeat (steps 2 and 3) 5 times. (On the fifth time you should see that the tv graphics lay ontop of ornith)

World select bug.
1. Load the game go to multiplayer
2. Select 4 charaters
3. You should be at world select. Now hit B
4. Repeat (steps 2 and 3) 7 Times. (On the seventh time you should see that the tv graphics lay ontop of ornith)

Also note that the first multiplayer tv graphic glith happeneds as well.

This post has been edited by Predator04, Sun, September 14th, 2008 at 05:31
 » Comment on: Take the eggs! Ornithorhynchus Anatinus GO GO GO! DS v0.2a
Triforce United Kingdom

  Sun, September 14th, 2008 at 05:38
Thanks for testing that out but i think it's a bit more random than what you are saying there. For instance, i played world 2 and after it returns back to the world select screen the tv image was ontop. Still it's good to see you managed to replicated it the way you did.

I'm sure retrohead will have a proper explanation anyway. Hes sleeping right now so we wont get a reply for at least another 8 hrs.
 » Quoting: Comment on: Take the eggs! Ornithorhynchus Anatinus GO GO GO! DS v0.2a
Predator04 United States

  Sun, September 14th, 2008 at 05:46
Triforce on Sun, September 14th, 2008 at 05:38 [»]

Thanks for testing that out but i think it's a bit more random than what you are saying there. For instance, i played world 2 and after it returns back to the world select screen the tv image was ontop. Still it's good to see you managed to replicated it the way you did.

I'm sure retrohead will have a proper explanation anyway. Hes sleeping right now so we wont get a reply for at least another 8 hrs.

it is but that was the way that it happened everytime. not just every so often. i was able to get it to work by going to single then multi and alot of differnt ways. but they were random sometimes it orked sometimes it didnt.
 » Comment on: Take the eggs! Ornithorhynchus Anatinus GO GO GO! DS v0.2a
Triforce United Kingdom

  Sun, September 14th, 2008 at 06:39
I just realized you asked how to pass a bomb onto someone else. You need to dash attack them (just press b when close to a cpu). I made a page for items instructions in the half finished manual. It's in the media folder that comes in the rar.
 » Quoting: Comment on: Take the eggs! Ornithorhynchus Anatinus GO GO GO! DS v0.2a
Predator04 United States

  Sun, September 14th, 2008 at 07:10
Triforce on Sun, September 14th, 2008 at 06:39 [»]

I just realized you asked how to pass a bomb onto someone else. You need to dash attack them (just press b when close to a cpu). I made a page for items instructions in the half finished manual. It's in the media folder that comes in the rar.

Thats what i thought . thats what i was doing. but its rather pointless as you cant see the person your passing it to get blown up because once you dash attack them they fall to the ground and the bomb does nothing. is there a way that can be fixed? Becuase right now its not even worth picking up.

Triforce. Would you mind making me a avatar out of ornitho? :yaylite:

This post has been edited by Predator04, Sun, September 14th, 2008 at 08:08
 » Comment on: Take the eggs! Ornithorhynchus Anatinus GO GO GO! DS v0.2a
Kon-Tiki Belgium

  Sun, September 14th, 2008 at 10:18
It gets my M3Real stuck on "DLDI Compatible" again. Lots of homebrew games do that, and I never know how to fix it...
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