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 » Nintendo DS Software
  3D Viewer DS v0.1
Posted by Triforce on Sun, September 7th, 2008 at 09:01 - 6 Comments
Triforce United Kingdom


Tarosa also released a 3d Viewer last month. It looks great but the only problem here is the bin files needed to run what you see in the video are not included. He offsite linked to those on an asian site where the upload expires after about a week. Maybe we should all email the guy asking for a new upload link. If someone manages to find the 5yoshi6318.7z archive please let me know.

The source code is included in the download below.

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 » Comment on: 3D Viewer DS v0.1
Njrg United States

  Sun, September 7th, 2008 at 13:45
This is actually the only impressive one out of the 5 last posted...

Too bad it doesnt have a workable download link
 » Comment on: 3D Viewer DS v0.1
ZombiePuppy Brazil

  Sun, September 7th, 2008 at 14:00
Jesus Christ.
I wonder if it's possible to have this kind of detail running on real time in a game.
 » Comment on: 3D Viewer DS v0.1
festival Germany

  Sun, September 7th, 2008 at 21:32
this is not a 3d viewer I guess but a movie player
 » Comment on: 3D Viewer DS v0.1
F@sheo Morocco

  Mon, September 8th, 2008 at 19:48
we'll never know unless someone find that 5yoshi6318.7z thing
 » Comment on: 3D Viewer DS v0.1
downshiftdx United States

  Mon, September 8th, 2008 at 20:31
Looks to me like a stereoscopic viewer where you cross your eyes on the two screens and bring them into focus and see it in 3D. If you look at the details on the sides of the screens in the video you can see that the perspectives are slightly different.

I hope to get a download and try it out.
 » Comment on: 3D Viewer DS v0.1
LDAsh Antarctica

  Tue, September 9th, 2008 at 01:20
There's no reason the DS can't handle a few thousand triangles and a half-decent amount of texture on one model in a viewer and run it just fine.  I had some Half-Life 2 models on the DS, all the texture detail gets lost (no filtering) but the meshes themselves worked and performed just fine.  I wish someone would make a 3D fighting game (Mace: The Dark Age DS) and then could probably use such polycounts in a proper working game.  HL2 is obviously out of the question but a fighting game with only a couple of character models could really squeeze some impressive graphics out of it that would be HL2-like.  Yet, we have none.

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