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  Caramel Dansen DS - Hakutun v0.7
Posted by Triforce on Sun, September 7th, 2008 at 08:21 - 2 Comments
Triforce United Kingdom


Sorry for the name but i actually don't know what this one translates to. I only know the name of the song in it. Looks like its based off the Miku Touch Demo Vol 2, where you have to tap the screen in a timely manner to play the music. The archive was 25MB so im uploading it to rapidshare. Inside is a file named hakutunbin.7z which i think is the 3D model, it extracts to around 180MB so make sure you have room on your sd card before using this one. The dev of all these games, who i haven't even mentioned up until now goes by the name Tarosa.

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 » Comment on: Caramel Dansen DS - Hakutun
logical thinker Japan

  Sun, September 7th, 2008 at 10:09
The name is just "Hakutun Ver.07". See: http://www.geocities.jp/hakutsun/
I suspect that "Haku" is from "Hatsune Miku". Tun = tune???

This post has been edited by logical thinker, Sun, September 7th, 2008 at 10:11
 » Comment on: Caramel Dansen DS - Hakutun v0.7
CreXONe Sweden

  Mon, September 8th, 2008 at 00:26

It's Swedish. And Caramel Dansen (Karamelldansen actually) translated:
Karamell = Caramel candy
Dansen = The Dance

So it's simply The Caramel Dance

:D  :D  :D

Note: the entire lyrics is Swedish. But it's hard to hear since it's so damn pitched.
- Here is the original version -


I thought I had some time so I did a roughly translation of the lyrics as well, enjoy:

Vi undrar Àr ni redo att vara med - We wonder if you are ready to take part
Armarna upp nu ska ni fÄ se - Put your hands up and let's see
Kom igen - Come on
Vem som helst kan vara med - Anyone can take part

SÄ rör pÄ era fötter - Move your feets
Och vicka era höfter - Shake your hips
Gör som vi - Do as we do
Till denna melodi - To this melody

Dansa med oss -  Dance with us
Klappa era hÀnder - Clap your hands
Gör som vi gör - Do as we do
Ta nÄgra steg Ät vÀnster - Take a few steps to the left
Lyssna och lÀr - Listen and learn
Missa inte chansen - Don't miss the chance
Nu Àr vi hÀr med - Now we are here with
Caramelldansen - The Caramel Dance

Det blir en sensation överallt förstÄs - It will become a sensation everywhere of course
PÄ fester kommer alla att slÀppa loss - At parties everybody will let loose
Kom igen - Come on
Nu tar vi stegen om igen - Let's take the steps again

SÄ rör pÄ era fötter - So move your feets
Och vicka era höfter - And shake yor hips
Gör som vi - Do as we do
Till denna melodi - To this melody
....................................... and so on :)

This post has been edited by CreXONe, Mon, September 8th, 2008 at 01:09

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