A full English translation patch for Blood of Bahamut has been released! There are still some bugs remaining that will supposedly be fixed in v1.1, but you don't need to wait for that version because this one is already perfectly playable.
Patch Instructions
After downloading the patch above, extract and place the following four files into a folder: --> the ROM "b-bahamut.nds" (it may be called something else, but the CRC must be F3A9C1CD) --> bobpatch_ver1.patch --> xDelta GUI.exe --> xdelta.exe
Click "Apply Patch" and "b-bahamut_patched.nds" will appear in the same folder (you will NOT get a confirmation message).
Before Patching: Size: 67,108,864 bytes (64.0 MB) CRC32: F3A9C1CD Game ID: CYJJ 4B74EEEB
After Patching: Size: 62,106,176 bytes(59.2 MB) CRC32: D193154F Game ID: CYJJ 20FCBF0F
Known Issues
Text appears on-screen at a constant letter-by-letter rate during some story segments but depending on length of the text on the page, will start displaying faster near the end.
The ending of the main story is supposed to have 3 pages; only displays the first. (A single page workaround is in place)
A handful of Ability names appear fine in the menu yet the first top left region of the first one or two letters is cut out for some strange reason. "Miasma", "Cold Cloak", "Flaming Spirit", "Lightning Cloak" and "Thunder Sigil" are the guilty ones.
Due to name length limitations in-game, some character names have been shortened as a compromise. If you have never played the Japanese version anyway, maybe this isn't so important.
I had been following the thread on GBATemp for some time, till it was locked until further notice from Densetsu, it's nice to see that it finally saw the light of day, since I purchased the game YEARS ago i, prospect of what I thought was an impending release of the patch. The wait sure was long but here it is. Too bad I'm stuck on Bravely Default already at the moment but I'll sure be trying out the patch at last ^^. I'm glad I purchased the game now . If we could get translations of Sakura Note, Ganbare Goemon, Nanashi no Game Me and Tingle's Balloon Trip of love, then all of my Japanese DS games would have received a fan translation ^^.
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