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DS-Scene » Forum Index » Patches / Rom Hacks » R4i Gold 3DS 6.0.0-11 / 6.0.0-12 fix
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  R4i Gold 3DS 6.0.0-11 / 6.0.0-12 fix
Posted by Necr0mancer on Mon, June 24th, 2013 at 06:09 - 0 Comments
Necr0mancer Australia

[User Posted Image]R4i GOLD 3DS 6.0.0-11 / 6.0.0-12 FiX
A bloody complicated fix
Well, the R4iDS.CN team have just updated their card. And it's not the usual kind of update.

This patch updating is little different as before, please see the instructions in the "readme.doc" step by step carefully! the key point: doing the patch updating for your card first, then cut off the signal line(on the PCB) by a knife as required on the picture... (Don't cut the line before the patch updating done)

The 'readme.doc file says:


[User Posted Image]

So there you go.
It's a complicated little thing, so if you're not sure, feel free to ask.

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Thanks prectorian for the heads up.


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