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  Game Center CX 2 translation project update
Posted by retrohead on Tue, January 29th, 2013 at 12:10 - 4 Comments
retrohead United Kingdom

[User Posted Image]Game Center CX 2
fan translation project[User Posted Image]

[User Posted Image]

The Game Center CX 2 / Retro Game Challenge 2 fan translation project is still alive and kicking according to a recent post on their homepage. I can't imagine the complexities involved with translating some of the games so it's great to see the enthusiasm is still there.

GM Arino, Jan 22 2013 
Hey everyone! Got a bit of an update for you guys, Xvirus is back and things are going well, at the moment he's still a bit busy but some work is still being done. We're down to two translators after our long hiatus; Gold_Ninja, who's been with us since the beginning and our new translator Zari-Gani (though I'm a bit late in announcing it :P), a lot of you will probably recognize her from her work on the Game Center CX show translation! Ray is still around to help out with editing as well and I'll still be updating the site and doing graphic work, speaking of which, I made a quick teaser to tide you guys over till the next update, which may not be for a little while. It's not quite finished but I hope you guys like it! ;)


 » Comment on: Game Center CX 2 translation project underway
Kon-Tiki Belgium

  Tue, January 29th, 2013 at 12:42
I hope they'll finish it drooling And of course that it captures the magic as well as Retro Game Challenge 1 did.
 » Comment on: Game Center CX 2 translation project underway
Date_sensei Atlantic Ocean

  Tue, January 29th, 2013 at 16:02
But what exactly is the Game Center CX 2 translation project? How does it work? A emulator...?
 » Comment on: Game Center CX 2 translation project underway
Tibia821 Germany

  Tue, January 29th, 2013 at 16:29
I missed the last one. What is this all about?
 » Comment on: Game Center CX 2 translation project underway
Kon-Tiki Belgium

  Tue, January 29th, 2013 at 16:45
From what I gather, it's the same thing. All info online seems to mention both at the same time, and link to the same page. Game Center CX seems to also be a video game show on Japan, and gets called the Top Gear of video games. Judging from the text of the RGC2 translation team, one of them's also translating the show. Not sure how it all comes together to become the same thing or so, though.

Wait, my cent is starting to drop...

In the screenshots, you can see a copyright trademark with "Game Center CX" in there. That Arino guy is the presentor of the TV show. So I guess that in Japan, the show is called "Game Center CX", to make it clear that it's a game based on the TV show. As happens frequently, the name gets changed when translating the game into English. So I guess it's the same game, but Japanese / Western name.

Me so smart chill

This post has been edited by Kon-Tiki, Tue, January 29th, 2013 at 16:50

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