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  Ace3DS Pro Announced
Posted by Necr0mancer on Fri, January 18th, 2013 at 22:49 - 28 Comments
Necr0mancer Australia

[User Posted Image]Ace3DS Pro Announced
3DS ROMs soon to be playable? Nah, only one game.

Well, new year has started off with a BANG for the Ace3DS team.
Yesterday, they announced their third generation card, the Ace3DS Pro. The team boasts the card is able to play DS ROMs and one genuine 3DS game, all without switching the card.

Details are sketchy at this time so I am unable to elaborate on details. I have contacted Ace3DS and will update this post if anything new arises.
[User Posted Image]
Via: Ace3DShomepage

 » Comment on: Ace3DS Pro Announced
Kiekoes Netherlands

  Fri, January 18th, 2013 at 22:59
Asked for a review sample this afternoon but I haven't gotten a reply yet.
 » Quoting: Comment on: Ace3DS Pro Announced
Necr0mancer Australia

  Fri, January 18th, 2013 at 23:00
Kiekoes on Fri, January 18th, 2013 at 22:59 GMT  
Asked for a review sample this afternoon but I haven't gotten a reply yet.

I did myself as well. :)
I wonder who will get it...
 » Comment on: Ace3DS Pro Announced
MJaoune Jordan

  Fri, January 18th, 2013 at 23:47
what do you mean
The team boasts the card is able to play one genuine 3DS game
 » Comment on: Ace3DS Pro Announced
Nathan Slovenia

  Sat, January 19th, 2013 at 00:11
Well, watch the video.
 » Comment on: Ace3DS Pro Announced
RiotDX United States

  Sat, January 19th, 2013 at 03:25
Ooh we might have a device capable of running 3ds roms? Now all we need is 3ds games worth playing! *cough*

There's a few coming out in the near future that I have my eye on but with the current options available in English, my Vita still has my attention. That said, neither console has a library worth writing home about.

This post has been edited by RiotDX, Sat, January 19th, 2013 at 03:28
 » Comment on: Ace3DS Pro Announced
tavisjohn United States

  Sat, January 19th, 2013 at 03:50
Well this is a good start.  But I will wait for one that supports more than one 3DS rom...
 » Comment on: Ace3DS Pro Announced
wohdin United States

  Sat, January 19th, 2013 at 05:08
Waitwaitwaitwaitwait. That wording is all too confusing. Does it mean "one ROM at a time" or "it only supports ONE specific game (at the moment)"? And what the hell does "genuine" mean?
 » Comment on: Ace3DS Pro Announced
tavisjohn United States

  Sat, January 19th, 2013 at 05:49
The website makes it sound like it is just 2 3DS game at a time on the cart.
As for "genuine" I think it means that it really plays 3DS games...  Unlike other cards that advertise they work on 3DS, but are vague on if it works for 3DS games or just works with the 3DS.
 » Comment on: Ace3DS Pro Announced
LDAsh Antarctica

  Sat, January 19th, 2013 at 05:54
I'm very cynical, so maybe I can provide some clarity here.  Perhaps it means they've taken some 3DS demo cart, "super-glued" a DS cart inside the shell, tied them together with cotton thread, and selling them as a 3DS flashcart.  They don't say "ROM", they say "game", hmmmmm...

Put yourself in their shoes, if you can bullshit people to sell them like hotcakes and rake in all the cash dollars, wouldn't you?  Wouldn't you suck Dick Cheney's dirty toenails for a few grand?  Maybe even a few hundred, enough to buy another pipe of crack.  Capitalist 20th-century types, they surrrrrrrre would.
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