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  DIY - Non-Specific Action Figure
Posted by Foxi4 on Sun, January 6th, 2013 at 23:37 - 1 Comments
Foxi4 Poland

[User Posted Image]Do-It-Yourself Non-Specific Action Figure
He's the Hero Nintendo deserves... and probably the one it needs, too

Since his debut, Non-Specific Action Figure has been the focus of a lot of attention - after all, he is the true-blue Nintendo hero, looking over our 3DS's, Wii U's and other Nintendo consoles day and night, guarding them from all the wrong-doers. His mighty sword smites all those who oppose the Nintendo Power and his majestic wings shield the Disciples of Nintendo... Or something along those lines.

If it so happens that just like many others, you'd want one of those... you're in luck! After meticulous research, Gametista’s Andrea Campton not only figured out the base components of the figure but also managed to build one! This instructional video shows the How-To, so if you have the Know-How, with a little effort you can begin your Non-Specific Adventures. Have fun!
[User Posted Image]

 » Comment on: DIY - Non-Specific Action Figure
Necr0mancer Australia

  Wed, January 16th, 2013 at 22:09
Anyone attempted to build this yet?

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