Crap the B&W2 cheats are not working on my patched rom
Best DS games: Shin Megami Tensei - Devil Survivor 1/2, KH 358/2 days/Re:Coded, The world ends with you, Pokemon: D/P/PL/SS/W/BW2, Time hollow Waiting for: pokemon x/y ,metroid 3DS (I hope that this will come)
Quoting: Comment on: CMP Cheat Database 2012-06-24
Lol the cheats that were inclueded to the Multicard Update im using to play it on my DSTT have Cheats for Pokemon that actually work with the patch but the only cheat im using is Double exp and catch rate 100% for some time and money saving
Is a little hard for us to keep track with all the translation patch.. There we update with project pokemon v2... there they come out with v3 (we missed this) :o Since pokestation v1.5 shares the same ID as clean rom... I don't think there should be any problem for cheats to show and work...
Enjoy as 28/29th version of update is out...
EDIT: It would be so much easier if we just take people's work and change the title of the file.. Instead of compiling from other sites we also try to make our codes. Sometimes we even fix codes that we had compiled. Pokemon was a good example. I personally had to debug the game and check what is wrong and fix the codes.
By the way, what you guys can do is get r4cce and change the game id / crc yourself.. So cheats will show for these translated games. Whether cheats will work or not it depending on the translated game did alter any address or not.. Have fun
This post has been edited by elixirdream, Fri, June 29th, 2012 at 03:37