whaaaaaat i thought the april fools boxart was a fake. well right on! i guess i was wrong about the legendaries? being on the opposing games.
soo are you playing as the same male and female characters? i dont know if its just bc its the same artist but the faces of the characters look exactly the same.
This post has been edited by Zilchrion, Sat, April 14th, 2012 at 11:13
Nice cannot wait and for what handhald was it? DSi or 3DS?
Best DS games: Shin Megami Tensei - Devil Survivor 1/2, KH 358/2 days/Re:Coded, The world ends with you, Pokemon: D/P/PL/SS/W/BW2, Time hollow Waiting for: pokemon x/y ,metroid 3DS (I hope that this will come)
whaaaaaat i thought the april fools boxart was a fake.
Its been said that the boxart is real
and if thats the same charakters then i dunno what happend to the male
not to get all philosophical but just bc someone said something dont mean everyone herd it.
on another note Im seeing them as the same characters in a different reincarnation. Im half expecting their manga names to be black and white TOO (get it? haha)