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  Monster Hunter Tri G - Rumours
Posted by Guy.brush on Sun, February 12th, 2012 at 22:22 - 14 Comments
Guy.brush Pacific Ocean

[User Posted Image]MONSTER HUNTER TRi G
[User Posted Image]

The latest issue of gaming magazine EDGE features an article in which a small sentence not only hints at a western release for Monster Hunter Tri G, but also at the added inclusion of an online play mode.

Note that there is no official statement from Capcom concerning the addition of an online feature or even a localisation as of now, so this is still to be treated merely as rumours. Still: Let the speculation begin!

EDGE snapshot

 » Comment on: Monster Hunter Tri G - Rumours
retrohead United Kingdom

  Sun, February 12th, 2012 at 22:47
I read about the possibility of online in the western releases elsewhere too. Could be one to watch out for.
 » Comment on: Monster Hunter Tri G - Rumours
Guy.brush Pacific Ocean

  Sun, February 12th, 2012 at 23:05
If they really only took it out for deadline reasons, then this isn't too far fetched, I agree.

Also I'd be thrilled! I played a good part of Tri on the Wii, but never online actually. Would make this a day one purchase for me.
 » Comment on: Monster Hunter Tri G - Rumours
retrohead United Kingdom

  Sun, February 12th, 2012 at 23:17
They say it's better to play with the slidepad, but that damn thing just makes it look awkward to press the standard buttons with it attached.
 » Comment on: Monster Hunter Tri G - Rumours
Guy.brush Pacific Ocean

  Sun, February 12th, 2012 at 23:45
Still haven't had one in my hands, but I read it is in fact quite comfortable, and a sheer necessity for MH3G.
 » Comment on: Monster Hunter Tri G - Rumours
Tibia821 Germany

  Sun, February 12th, 2012 at 23:54
i hope the online mode will be inclueded because im too lazy to meet with 3 friends at 1 place just to farm together >_>
i already bought the Slide pad pro :P and i like the design it reminds me of that one gadget in Digimon advantures 2. it even fits my pocket so i never putt it off. I already used to it.
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Nathan Slovenia

  Mon, February 13th, 2012 at 00:01
retrohead on Sun, February 12th, 2012 at 23:17 GMT  
They say it's better to play with the slidepad, but that damn thing just makes it look awkward to press the standard buttons with it attached.
Guy.brush on Sun, February 12th, 2012 at 23:45 GMT  
Still haven't had one in my hands, but I read it is in fact quite comfortable, and a sheer necessity for MH3G.

It's lovely, and it makes you hold the 3DS like a console controller, so you don't really need to reach for the ABXY buttons.

Tibia821 on Sun, February 12th, 2012 at 23:54 GMT  
i hope the online mode will be inclueded because im too lazy to meet with 3 friends at 1 place just to farm together >_>
i already bought the Slide pad pro :P and i like the design it reminds me of that one gadget in Digimon advantures 2. it even fits my pocket so i never putt it off. I already used to it.

I was about to say "You must have big pockets." but I just tried it myself and it actually fits in my pockets, too. Well, not in all of my trousers, but most have the same size pockets so that's pretty cool.

Not that I usually put anything in those pockets, but it's nice to know.
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Foxi4 Poland

  Mon, February 13th, 2012 at 00:26
Oh yeah, definatelly!

Capcom would decide to NOT include Online in the Japanese release, knowing all too well that Japan is their primary market for Monster Hunter where it reaps the most profits and would add one to an international release for no reason whatsoever.

Sounds legit.
 » Comment on: Monster Hunter Tri G - Rumours
Guy.brush Pacific Ocean

  Mon, February 13th, 2012 at 00:36
lol! When it comes to Capcom, anything could happen.
 » Comment on: Monster Hunter Tri G - Rumours
RiotDX United States

  Mon, February 13th, 2012 at 00:38
I'm excited about this, I bought Tri when it first came out but hated the control setup so I sold it and enjoyed the hell out of the PSP variants of Monster Hunter instead. If the 3ds version has online play, this will be the second 3ds title I'm actually excited about. The first was/is Tales of the Abyss.
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