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 » Nintendo 3DS PC Software
  Project CiTRUS v0.2
Posted by Nathan on Thu, February 9th, 2012 at 11:46 - 2 Comments
Nathan Slovenia

[User Posted Image]Project CiTRUS v0.2
Design/output 3DS BNR and ICN files
[User Posted Image]

Xcution has released version 0.2 of Project CiTRUS, a PC application to design/output 3DS banner and icon files.

Changelog (08/02/12) 
  • Fix: "Polish" changed "Portuguese"
  • Fix: Can now Set region to Taiwan
  • Fix: Can now Set rating to true
  • Add: Colour scheme of menu items to match colour scheme menu bar
  • Add: ComboBox for regions and ratings
  • Add: Checkboxes instead of true/false typing
  • Add: Automatic saving before building
  • Add: Banner writing progress bar/notification of finishing
  • Add: Help box incorporated into each tab
  • Add: Name now reflects what's on here (CiTRUS) and version number (v0.2)

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 » Comment on: Project CiTRUS v0.2
Ariel Rebel Canada

  Sun, February 12th, 2012 at 22:13
I am working very hard on a new feature. The new feature is not ready just yet but it is currently a working proof-of-concept. I will give a hint that this "new feature" will revolutionize the 3DS's so-called "scene".

Revolutionizing the 3DS scene? I wonder what the feature would be. (I really do, no sarcasm here.)
 » Comment on: Project CiTRUS v0.2
Ariel Rebel Canada

  Mon, February 13th, 2012 at 18:25

Writing CIA files? :O

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