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  Wood akMenu 1.44
Posted by Clookster on Fri, February 3rd, 2012 at 19:45 - 0 Comments
Clookster Mongolia


[User Posted Image][User Posted Image][User Posted Image]WOOD AKMENU v1.44

fixed iNFO
[User Posted Image]

- extlink support.
- 3in1+ support. opera works, gba launch from psram/nor works, even rumble in some games works. big thanx to mbmax for testing.

- 'professor layton and the spectre's call (europe)' fixed.
- 'jeongukmin model audition superstar ds (korea)' fixed.
- 'live-on card live-r ds (korea)' fixed.
- 'mario & luigi rpg 3 - kupa momsok daemoheom (korea)' fixed.
- 'metal beyblade 2 - big bang bladers (korea)' fixed.
- 'yu-gi-oh 5d's world championship 2011 - over the nexus (korea)' fixed.

[User Posted Image]
Download Wood akMenu R.P.G v1.44  |  Download Wood akMenu DSN v1.44  |  Download Wood akMenu R4 v1.44  


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