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  Petit Computer mkII - First Details
Posted by Nathan on Fri, February 3rd, 2012 at 02:48 - 2 Comments
Nathan Slovenia

[User Posted Image]PETiT COMPUTER MKII
[User Posted Image]

Smileboom are creating an updated version of their DSiWare BASIC programming app, Petit Computer. New features include:
  • voice synthesis
  • save your code to the SD card
  • input via QR code
Sadly, this and its predecessor remain Japan-only. Hopefully some developer picks these up for Western releases.

 » Comment on: Petit Computer mkII - First Details
Kon-Tiki Belgium

  Fri, February 3rd, 2012 at 10:02
They got a clean sheet, and what do they use? BASIC confused
 » Comment on: Petit Computer mkII - First Details
RiotDX United States

  Fri, February 3rd, 2012 at 23:15
Oh I would love this if it was in English. I chose to do my high school programming project in QBasic just because I could. I put well over 200 hours into making a working 3d graphics engine for the simple pleasure of watching the faces of everybody else in my class.

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