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  Clash of Gods TCG Rev4
Posted by Nathan on Thu, February 2nd, 2012 at 18:42 - 3 Comments
Nathan Slovenia

[User Posted Image]Clash of Gods TCG Rev4
Not that one TV programme
[User Posted Image]Subaru, Ignismare and Akira have released revision 4 of Clash of Gods TCG, a fantasy-based card game for the DS.

Authors' description 
It tells the story of an epic war waged by the powerful Humans and the savage Beastmen. It’s a simple little independent project with a very small crew fighting against all the possible problems in the world to bring you one of the most fun card-based fantasy experience you can expect, and all that without a penny spent :).
Changelog (31/01/12)

Download Downloadhomepage Project page

 » Comment on: Clash of Gods TCG Rev4
Subaru Poland

  Thu, February 2nd, 2012 at 19:26
I Subaru officially thank You Nathan for this news post :)
If someone will not know what to do or will get lost or will just want to talk about project, please do so here or on forums, I will try to answer as soon as possible
 » Comment on: Clash of Gods TCG Rev4
Kiekoes Netherlands

  Fri, February 3rd, 2012 at 15:05
Looks epic! Will try it out soon.
 » Comment on: Clash of Gods TCG Rev4
Subaru Poland

  Sat, February 4th, 2012 at 00:10
Good to hear that ^_^
If You would wonder about magenta-alike pixels in the menu, I know about them already thanks to guys on GBATemp, Moonwalk is also officially left to be there (Ignismare wanted that mainly)
Not sure about clock, no$gba could work with it but for example 3DS couldn't, so I'm puzzled now if the code works on that part or not =_=
Also It's not possible to summon first card on the left from hand, it's silly bug that slipped off my hands <_< I will correct it to next rev

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