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 » Patches / Rom Hacks
  CMP Cheat Database 2012-01-15
Posted by Nathan on Sun, January 15th, 2012 at 18:32 - 39 Comments
Nathan Slovenia

CMP Cheat Database
2012-01-15 Update
[User Posted Image]

Update log 
+New Games Added:-
+.... Nothing worth Mention
+Renamed Some Games
+Added Some New Codes for Old Games

Abystus, AsPika2219, Demonic722, nolberto82 and Prof. 9

Download Download DS-Scene Rom Tool  NFO CMP

 » Comment on: CMP Cheat Database 2012-01-15
ILoveLawnieBear Australia

  Thu, January 19th, 2012 at 11:11
This post has been hidden by a moderator, Thu, January 19th, 2012 at 13:42

Reason: non-sensical post
 » Comment on: CMP Cheat Database 2012-01-15
Callessa Spain

  Thu, January 19th, 2012 at 17:22
Thanks! I was waiting for an update, I need it so bad ^w^
 » Comment on: CMP Cheat Database 2012-01-15
Athmel United States

  Thu, January 19th, 2012 at 22:23
:S They don't say what games were affected. Why would anyone need this over the last one?
 » Comment on: CMP Cheat Database 2012-01-15
Kintama United Kingdom

  Thu, January 19th, 2012 at 23:14
Hi i was wondering if you could help me
when ever i look at the cheat for pokemon black it show them all till it get to Wild Pokemon Modifier - Generation 3
but Generation 4 and 5 are missing but if i open the usrcheat in a Cheat editor programe it show that it has Generation 4 and 5 in the file but it not showing them on my DS
any idear how to get them all to show on my DS
 » Comment on: CMP Cheat Database 2012-01-15
Clookster Mongolia

  Thu, January 19th, 2012 at 23:15
Kintama, please try it with another flash cart or firmware for your flash cart. It should work then.
 » Comment on: CMP Cheat Database 2012-01-15
prinz Thailand

  Fri, January 20th, 2012 at 19:45
This post has been hidden by a moderator, Fri, January 20th, 2012 at 19:49

Reason: "Thank you" shit
 » Comment on: CMP Cheat Database 2012-01-15
bingo Australia

  Mon, January 23rd, 2012 at 02:13
I do not understand.... I downloaded the DS-Scene thing linked to in this post, but now what? Where is the usr/cheat.dat file? What do I do with what I was given?
*flails about in corner of failure*
 » Quoting: Comment on: CMP Cheat Database 2012-01-15
Ariel Rebel Canada

  Mon, January 23rd, 2012 at 11:06
bingo on Mon, January 23rd, 2012 at 02:13 GMT  
I do not understand.... I downloaded the DS-Scene thing linked to in this post, but now what? Where is the usr/cheat.dat file? What do I do with what I was given?
*flails about in corner of failure*

When you start the DS-Scene Rom Tool, it will ask you to download the latest version of the rom tool, the latest version of the AP database and finally the latest version of the cheats database. Select which version of the cheats database you want in the bottom left, and voilà!
 » Comment on: CMP Cheat Database 2012-01-15
crimsonkaizer Malaysia

  Tue, January 24th, 2012 at 01:49
hi, this is my first time using this tool. when i click the exe file, a windows error pops out. something about a

Files that help describe the problem:

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i'm running windows 7 64 bit
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