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 » Nintendo DS PC Software
  Tinke 0.7.5
Posted by Triforce on Fri, August 19th, 2011 at 17:09 - 0 Comments
Triforce United Kingdom

[User Posted Image]Tinke 0.7.5
NDS Hacking Tool
[User Posted Image]

A hacking tool to view, convert and edit NDS game files, similar to other programs out there like CrystalTile. It's written in C# with NET Framework 3.5, so you'll need 3.5 installed to run it. All the code is Open Source hosted on Google.

*** Sound plugin added with SADL audio support
*** Added control to compress NARC files
*** Added control to compress Nitro compress format files (thanks to the proyect DSDecmp by Barubary)
* Added support to japanese file names
* Added control with options of new maps
* Added button in SDAT plugin to change files
* Fixed problem with the import (wav to strm) methods in SDAT plugin
* Improved the french translation
* Added import and export palettes files to Windows palettes
* Fixed problems saving new NCLR files

Source: GoogleCode  NFO


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