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 » Nintendo 3DS News
  Colors! 3D
Posted by blastermak on Wed, August 10th, 2011 at 23:56 - 16 Comments
blastermak Netherlands

[User Posted Image]What started as a DS homebrew application has now turned into a licensed game.

Collecting Smiles, the company behind Colors!, have made the announcement of an official 3DS version available on the eShop.
Colors! 3D will not only have the features from the original, like online uploading and to watch a time lapse of your drawing, now you can paint in 3D and collaborate in real time with up to four friends.

Official announcement 
Friends: we are happy and excited to announce Colors! 3D, coming this Fall to the Nintendo 3DS eShop. For the first time, artists will be able to create and view their own 3D paintings! We promise that you will love what you can do.

Colors! 3D will also offer real-time collaborative painting for up to four people using local Wi-Fi. Collaborative painting lets you paint with your friends with all the same depth you have when painting solo – but with more fun!

Last but not least, the Colors! Gallery will be integrated into the application, making it easy to share your creations with the community and learn from your friends' techniques.

If you want to stay in the loop on the launch of Colors! 3D, sign up to our new mailing list at http://colors.collectingsmiles.com/colors_3d_coming_soon.php. And thank you all for your support!
[User Posted Image]
homepage Official Site

 » Comment on: Colors! 3D
Athmel United States

  Thu, August 11th, 2011 at 01:10
Colors in 3D. That's some kind of metaphysical concept, right? It's like law in 3D, or greed in 3D. Anyway, I'm going to go do other things now.

Much success on their crossing natural boundaries or whatever. (I have not slept in 20+ hours.)
 » Comment on: Colors! 3D
Desert Rose Cameroon

  Thu, August 11th, 2011 at 01:21
Sounds boring.
 » Comment on: Colors! 3D
blastermak Netherlands

  Thu, August 11th, 2011 at 08:17
This is planned to release somewhere in Q4.

I really don't like it when they announce something in Q1,2,3,4. You know something but you still know nothing if you know what I mean.

This post has been edited by blastermak, Thu, August 11th, 2011 at 08:18
 » Comment on: Colors! 3D
Fredbox United Kingdom

  Thu, August 11th, 2011 at 11:28
Are you sure it'll still have pressure sensetivity? I wanna know where you heard that, because it sounds pretty unlikely, seeing as Nintendo don't acknowledge that ability of the touch screen. But if it does, that would be great, seeing as that was the best feature of the original.
It's just no where else I've read this news says it'll keep that function.
 » Comment on: Colors! 3D
HyperMetalix United Kingdom

  Thu, August 11th, 2011 at 11:53
Wow, I loved the Homebrew version (which I still have...)
Although putting it on the 3DS might lower the number of people who get to try it, this seems awesome!
 » Comment on: Colors! 3D
saphi Spain

  Thu, August 11th, 2011 at 20:18
no layers = no $$$
 » Comment on: Colors! 3D
blastermak Netherlands

  Thu, August 11th, 2011 at 20:48
I don't know if it'll have touch pressure sensitivity. Haven't read the specs for the 3DS version.
 » Quoting: Comment on: Colors! 3D
Fredbox United Kingdom

  Thu, August 11th, 2011 at 23:20
blastermak on Thu, August 11th, 2011 at 20:48 GMT  
I don't know if it'll have touch pressure sensitivity. Haven't read the specs for the 3DS version.

Well why say it then?! scold You got my hopes up cry
 » Comment on: Colors! 3D
LDAsh Antarctica

  Thu, August 11th, 2011 at 23:47
Well, it's a big STFU to all those who say "homebrew can never be published", just because of what happened to Bob.  The blatant fact remains - they'll publish whatever they fucking want to. ;)

Congrats to the team!
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