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 » Nintendo DS Software
  Pocket Island v0.9 - Pocket God for DS
Posted by Nathan on Sat, August 6th, 2011 at 20:00 - 15 Comments
Nathan Slovenia

[User Posted Image]Pocket Island v0.9
Pocket God for DS

[User Posted Image]
© DS-Scene.net
DS-Scene member MJaoune has created a DS version of the popular iDevice app Pocket God. The game is quite fun and has lots of things to do, so make sure to check this out if you feel like punishing poor Pygmies for no reason whatsoever!

Changelog v0.9 (05/08/11) 
  • Fixed the gravity serious glitch. (Actually recoded the whole gravity code)
  • Added some limitations for the Pygmies' locations.
  • Top Screen coloring on every time of the day.
  • Fixed the lightning sound. (It was really loud)
  • Made the lightning disappear when the Pygmie dies.
  • Font and GUI Modifications.
  • Made the VRAM flexible.
  • Fixed known glitches.
What is currently available in the game: 
  • Rain (Only in Storm Weather Mode)
  • Lightning (Only in Storm Weather Mode)
  • Change weathers and day times
  • Tornado (Will be improved)
  • Much more
[User Posted Image]
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 » Comment on: Pocket Island v0.9 - Pocket God for DS
nintendomax France

  Sun, August 7th, 2011 at 06:16
Last release is 1.0d !
 » Comment on: Pocket Island v0.9 - Pocket God for DS
MJaoune Jordan

  Sun, August 7th, 2011 at 07:17
nintendomax on Sun, August 7th, 2011 at 06:16 GMT  
Last release is 1.0d !

That was on GBATemp, but in DS-Scene, I have changed everything, even the name, and this homebrew is especially made for DS-Scene users.


This post has been edited by MJaoune, Sun, August 7th, 2011 at 07:20
 » Comment on: Pocket Island v0.9 - Pocket God for DS
MJaoune Jordan

  Sun, August 7th, 2011 at 07:51
Version 0.91 has been released
 » Comment on: Pocket Island v0.9 - Pocket God for DS
dfkt Austria

  Tue, August 9th, 2011 at 00:40
It's a Black and White thing?
 » Comment on: Pocket Island v0.9 - Pocket God for DS
Foxi4 Poland

  Fri, August 19th, 2011 at 00:47
Read a few of your posts mj posts, I am not happy with your attitude, glad you're gone. Grow a sense of humour Mj, and yes, you fit on the Temp more. If you're reading this:

We're all adults here, we don't need to be "moderated" in the GBATemp sense. If you can't take an obvious trolling attempt with a straight face and you need another person to go all "tut-tut, be nice now" for you, then sorry mate, head back to your nursery because that's just pathetic.

I CAN'T believe that the moderating team bent to your requests, it's ridiculous. YOU were the only one in this conversation who couldn't keep his temper in check while you argued, now you left and WE, adult and stable members can't have a chit-chat about religion.

This post has been edited by Guy.brush, Fri, August 19th, 2011 at 09:06

Reason: no discussions about religion on ds-scene
 » Quoting: Comment on: Pocket Island v0.9 - Pocket God for DS
MJaoune Jordan

  Fri, August 19th, 2011 at 02:55
Foxi4 on Fri, August 19th, 2011 at 00:47 GMT  
Read a few of your posts mj posts, I am not happy with your attitude, glad you're gone. Grow a sense of humour Mj, and yes, you fit on the Temp more. If you're reading this:

I am not gone, I realized that I am not going to leave this forum just because of some little kiddos.

Foxi4 on Fri, August 19th, 2011 at 00:47 GMT  

We're all adults here, we don't need to be "moderated" in the GBATemp sense. If you can't take an obvious trolling attempt with a straight face and you need another person to go all "tut-tut, be nice now" for you, then sorry mate, head back to your nursery because that's just pathetic.

So, by Adults you mean Flamers and Trolls?

This post has been edited by Guy.brush, Fri, August 19th, 2011 at 09:00

Reason: no discussions about religion on ds-scene
 » Quoting: Comment on: Pocket Island v0.9 - Pocket God for DS
Kon-Tiki Belgium

  Fri, August 19th, 2011 at 06:28
Foxi4 on Fri, August 19th, 2011 at 00:47 GMT  
Read a few of your posts mj posts, I am not happy with your attitude, glad you're gone. Grow a sense of humour Mj, and yes, you fit on the Temp more. If you're reading this:

We're all adults here, we don't need to be "moderated" in the GBATemp sense. If you can't take an obvious trolling attempt with a straight face and you need another person to go all "tut-tut, be nice now" for you, then sorry mate, head back to your nursery because that's just pathetic.

I CAN'T believe that the moderating team bent to your requests, it's ridiculous. YOU were the only one in this conversation who couldn't keep his temper in check while you argued, now you left and WE, adult and stable members can't have a chit-chat about religion.

Foxi, if someone's allowed to piss all over the place and beat people up without any consequence, you're bound to frustrate people. That Mj got pissed off, is the mod team's fault, not his. They should've dealt with Desert Rose (and all those other little shithead trolls) immediately, instead of waiting til they make normal members so frustrated that they return the favour.

I wish you guys'd let him be, and tackle the problem at the root: Mods here allowing trolls to run free, at the cost of everybody else. That'd solve problems like what you have with Mj, too.

And now shut up 'bout it, you little whinypants!

This post has been edited by Guy.brush, Fri, August 19th, 2011 at 09:10

Reason: follow up editing
 » Comment on: Pocket Island v0.9 - Pocket God for DS
Guy.brush Pacific Ocean

  Fri, August 19th, 2011 at 09:31
I´m sure you guys missed the change of DS-Scene´s Forum Rules, so here´s a quick reminder:
While creating posts for religious festival celebrations is acceptable, criticising a religion or a members religion in general is not acceptable.

I won´t hand out any warnings on this particular incident right now, just keep the religion stuff to yourselves from now on.

Discuss this homebrew instead. You play a god! In your pocket! How naughty is that?
 » Quoting: Comment on: Pocket Island v0.9 - Pocket God for DS
MJaoune Jordan

  Fri, August 19th, 2011 at 15:21
Kon-Tiki on Fri, August 19th, 2011 at 06:28 GMT  

Foxi, if someone's allowed to piss all over the place and beat people up without any consequence, you're bound to frustrate people. That Mj got pissed off, is the mod team's fault, not his. They should've dealt with Desert Rose (and all those other little shithead trolls) immediately, instead of waiting til they make normal members so frustrated that they return the favour.

I wish you guys'd let him be, and tackle the problem at the root: Mods here allowing trolls to run free, at the cost of everybody else. That'd solve problems like what you have with Mj, too.

And now shut up 'bout it, you little whinypants!

Thank you Kon-Tiki, again. When I joined this forum, I thought that it is really weird that there is many flamers and trolls flaming and trolling freely, I first thought that there were no Moderators. I hope moderators read every post and ban anyone trolling and flaming, if they want this forum to stay clean and full of members, since Trolling and flaming would make members get out of such forums.


Note: MJ doesn't stand for Michel Jackson, since I am not a fan of that guy, nor a hater, I just don't like being called in the name of someone dead.

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