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  DS-Scene Rom Tool v1.0 build 1205 re-dist
Posted by retrohead on Mon, July 11th, 2011 at 20:04 - 290 Comments
retrohead United Kingdom

[User Posted Image]DS-Scene Rom Tool v1.0 build 1205 re-dist
[User Posted Image]Finally, a new re-distributable version of the DS-Scene.net rom tool has been released. If you don't know what this is then you've been missing out on a really useful tool. It includes an AP Patch Database which is regularly updated by RetroGameFan and you can even view information for valid roms that are found right here on ds-scene.net. The latest addition to the DS-Scene Rom Tool is a partnership with the CMP team. The application will now check for regular updates of the CMP Cheat Database (the largest and most complete DS cheat database on the web) all totally free of charge of course!

[User Posted Image]The tool has had some extensive reworking since the last build any many bugs have been ironed out. If you are using an old version of the tool then we highly recommend you update to this version. There's really too many changes been made since the last re-dist pack to list here so please check the changelog provided within the application or the comments section below for more information.

Some of the menus have changed slightly in this version as they were getting a bit messy, please take your time to familiarise yourself with the new options. We have also taken note that some people have problems with the online updates so we have included RetroGameFan's AP Database v1.3.7 for your pleasure.

This update is of course also available directly via the application itself.

More Screens

Requirements & Functions


Download Download (re-distributable)

Manual database update files are now available, see the comments section for more information.

 » Comment on: DS-Scene Rom Tool v1.0 build 1205 re-dist
retrohead United Kingdom

  Mon, July 11th, 2011 at 20:11
Here's the full changelog for those that may be interested:

 » Comment on: DS-Scene Rom Tool v1.0 build 1205 re-dist
Guy.brush Pacific Ocean

  Mon, July 11th, 2011 at 20:39
This is getting awesomer with every update. And it looks so sleek in the taskbar now. Nicely done everybody!
 » Comment on: DS-Scene Rom Tool v1.0 build 1205 re-dist
retrohead United Kingdom

  Mon, July 11th, 2011 at 21:30
In addition to the main download link, we are now providing permanent links to the latest versions of the databases available in the tool. When an updated database is available and if the online update fails, you can now update manually using these files. Please copy the AP Database to the data/databases/ directory to install it for use with the tool. The stand-alone CMP Cheat databases cannot be installed for use with the rom tool.

CMP Database CMP USRcheat Latest CMP Database CMP EDGE Latest CMP Database CMP Cyclo DS Latest

AP Database AP Database File Latest

The news team are currently working on a nice way to update you on when these files have changed so stay tuned. For now we hope these links will satisfy your needs
 » Comment on: DS-Scene Rom Tool v1.0 build 1205 re-dist
Kiekoes Netherlands

  Tue, July 12th, 2011 at 15:12
Great application! pleased

The CMP and AP really takes it to the next level! This definitely beats anything like NDSHeader.
 » Comment on: DS-Scene Rom Tool v1.0 build 1205 re-dist
Kitsune Japan

  Tue, July 12th, 2011 at 20:17
For me still giving an error saying:

No information was downloaded for this rom (error:hash not found),
try refreshing in the ds-scene.net tab to update the information

Is weird, because the only rom (I will not test all roms I have lol) that works for now is Alice in wonderland that gives me all the info. But some others roms like Assasins Creed 2, Call of Duty and a long etc... still not giving me info from ds scene.

Oh!, Pokemon Black works too. Is because the rest of teh rom are trimmed? If is for that, is not funny D:. I get all other info already in the other tabs, so could be nice to recognice the roms from that data instead of teh hash that can be different if have a rom patched, trimmed, etc.. (well Im just assuming that it work in that way.. but I dont know ;P). So people could get more info and go to those threats even if the rom is already patched and trimmed ^^.

Thanks anyways for this awesome tool :3__
 » Comment on: DS-Scene Rom Tool v1.0 build 1205 re-dist
Triforce United Kingdom

  Tue, July 12th, 2011 at 21:39
Trimming the rom changes the crc and we only use the crcs for untouched scene releases.
The ds-scene side of the tool is mainly useful as validation that you have the untouched release listed on the site.

It wont work with trimmed roms for a number of reasons. One being that each software works differently to the next one, so for example 3 different trimming tools could all produce a unique crc where they are all using slightly different methods to trim.

This would be an absolute nightmare to support because each rom on the site would need a bunch of crcs listed in the database. It would have to be like:

trimmed with ds-scene rom tool
trimmed with tokyotrim
etc etc.

Its unrealistic to support all these combinations in the rom database. The tool was made with clean scene releases in mind and that's what it's best used with. I understand what you are saying but in order to please you, retrohead would have to completely change the way the tool gets it's information from ds-scene.
 » Comment on: DS-Scene Rom Tool v1.0 build 1205 re-dist
retrogamefan Reunion

  Tue, July 12th, 2011 at 23:15
The AP Database has been updated to v1.3.8 :)
 » Quoting: Comment on: DS-Scene Rom Tool v1.0 build 1205 re-dist
Clookster Mongolia

  Tue, July 12th, 2011 at 23:25
retrogamefan on Tue, July 12th, 2011 at 23:15 GMT  
The AP Database has been updated to v1.3.8 :)

Ooopppss...  chill

DS-Scene Rom Tool AP Database Change Log

Version 1.3.8

+ XXXX - Petz Bunnyz Bunch (U)
+ XXXX - Camp Rock The Final Jam (U)
+ 5768 - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 (U)

 » Comment on: DS-Scene Rom Tool v1.0 build 1205 re-dist
Rayder United States

  Wed, July 13th, 2011 at 03:50
Hmm...the tool didn't trim HP Deathly Hallows pt2 even though I told it to, not even one byte, but NDSTokyoTrim took over 4MB off. But the tool did AP fix it, or at least I assume so since it seems to be working on a CycloDS.  I didn't actually bother trying it without the AP fix, what with TC going silent as of late.   It also failed to show the DS-Scene info for that game (error:hash not found), though I assume that's because the game just got released?

One other thing I noticed is that the tool seems to write games directly to the SD very slowly, and I mean VERY slowly.  I end up just saving it to my HDD and then copying it over as that is MUCH faster.

Not complaining or anything, just reporting my observations to try and help you work out any bugs.  I really like this ROM tool, very nice!
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