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  Flashcarts banned in Japan
Posted by Triforce on Mon, December 20th, 2010 at 18:22 - 58 Comments
Triforce United Kingdom


Seems like Japan have been trying to cut out sales of flash cards again. From what I can gather from the news posted on Yahoo Japan is that a new bill was passed to completely ban the import and export of flash cards. Basically, it sounds like they they will try to stop them coming into Japan at the border, and anyone caught importing/exporting these devices can face a fine and up to 10 years in prison. Japan had previously tried to put a ban on the R4 but it never seemed to stop much and is probably why this new bill was passed.

note: I just pieced this together from a Google translated post so the information may not be entirely correct and could be updated at a later date once I find the news posted on English sites.

[Via esuteru]

 » Comment on: Flashcarts banned in Japan
Kiekoes Netherlands

  Mon, December 20th, 2010 at 18:43
Well that sucks.
 » Comment on: Flashcarts banned in Japan
Crass United States

  Mon, December 20th, 2010 at 18:50
Making them illegal wont make them disappear, not overnight at least. It just means the shops wont be able to blatantly advertise them (as we've seen in the past). There will always be a black market for these devices.
 » Comment on: Flashcarts banned in Japan
Nathan Slovenia

  Mon, December 20th, 2010 at 19:04
Spot-on, Crass.

I suppose it's a good thing, because this means less people will buy flashcards in 'shops' (usually only fakes and clones are sold there), which makes the truly determined look for what they want somewhere else (more likely to be in the 'official' webshops of the better flashcards) and the noobs will remain forever noob because they'll stop looking if they can't find it on their first try.

That sentence was a big fuckup, I know, so tl;dr: the DS scene can finally become more 1337 again.
 » Comment on: Flashcarts banned in Japan
Captain Durden Pacific Ocean

  Mon, December 20th, 2010 at 19:40
there' so much fail in that post i don't even know where to start.

so i won't.

but i will say this, any scene going back to be more "1337" is a bad thing.

it's the whole " cancer that's killing /b/ " discussion all over again....
 » Comment on: Flashcarts banned in Japan
Nathan Slovenia

  Mon, December 20th, 2010 at 19:52
What I meant was: currently, the scene is crammed with 5 year old kiddies and 40 year old virgins (and everything in between), that will most never do more than leech off the work of others (yeah yeah, pirates follow a similar concept, but there's a difference).

Not a good combination. Get rid of the fucking kids and let them grow up before they can become part of us and then, only then, they should be allowed stuff like flashcards. Way too many people have one nowadays, even those who only play HorseZ...
 » Comment on: Flashcarts banned in Japan
Captain Durden Pacific Ocean

  Mon, December 20th, 2010 at 20:03
yeah, that's exactly my point, we have to let EVERYBODY in!
every scene i was ever a part of, RL and on-line, had me at
some point depending on a senior member showing me the ropes,
offering insight and correcting my mistakes. it doesn't matter
if we're talking about any kind of freestyle sport, or behaviour
in on-line communities, or gaming, or pen and paper rpg circles,
or the intricacies of a collectible card game or even fucking
pokeymanz. what we all should have is an open and friendly attitude,
a willingness to share our knowledge and a kind spirit.
pseudo-elitism and "out with the horseZ kiddies" slogans will get
us nowhere, quite the contrary!

edit: you see how i capitalized "everybody" ?
isn't that beautiful?
it means i'm right! i must be, because i put enough
thought into my argument to capitalize the most important one of
my points, and we all know the only people that ever do that are the ones
who're right. right?

This post has been edited by Captain Durden, Mon, December 20th, 2010 at 20:27

 » Comment on: Flashcarts banned in Japan
Nathan Slovenia

  Mon, December 20th, 2010 at 20:26
Don't get me wrong, I can perfectly stand them kiddies and I love helping them out, IF they remain friendly. I, too, was a DS nooby once, but I did my best to learn as much as possible from the ancients and gradually, I started helping out fellow noobies myself with everything I had learned.
Sadly (or luckily for some, I suppose), my case is rare, and pretty much all I see these days is kids acting like douchebags against ancients, by calling them names, when all the ancients want to do is help them out...
 » Comment on: Flashcarts banned in Japan
Captain Durden Pacific Ocean

  Mon, December 20th, 2010 at 20:36

more on-topic: piracy is like life. it will always find a way. banning flash cards won't do shit about that. it also won't change the attitude of most pirates. honorable corsairs like we are will never be the norm. pirates are perceived as freeloading bastards because most of them are. what we can do however, is try to change that perception. that's why even 13 year old rude script kiddies that need help cracking "shovelfest 2: island adventure"
should be treated nicely, even if they are pricks.

just don't expect me to do it.

This post has been edited by Captain Durden, Mon, December 20th, 2010 at 21:36
 » Comment on: Flashcarts banned in Japan
Brian117 United States

  Tue, December 21st, 2010 at 02:11
I like how the hand in the picture has a glove on, touching the DS like it's some crime scene against the DS and the R4.
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