I thought i would start a topic for you to let me know of any issues or bugs you find with the site.
I have noticed a small one today where after you have made a comment, it will not jump to your comment you just posted. This is because I changed the amount of posts per page last night and I must have missed a script.
You will probably need to reload the topic until this is fixed (Approximately 5 hours from time of this post)
Heres my "beta test" report. Clicked the Edit button on earlier post. Changed preview post first option to NO Click submit and received the following error:
Invalid query: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1
UPDATE comments SET topic = 'Comment On: HOMEBREW - DS Doom 1.0.0 Beta' , post = 'Also As far as I´ve seen, no one with a M3 CF cart has had any problems with DoomDS when I try to edit my message above I got some crazy sql error, and I´ve lost what it said in my clipboard >< After work I´ll recreate the problem and post about it. Testing the SQL Error *edited on 2006/08/11 04:16:13 by zelion ' WHERE id =
Anyways, I hope it helps you figure out whats wrong, because I love your site. I've only been on the 'ds scene' for a little while and your site is the first site I check every day. Hope I can become a part of the community, as I have gained a bit of experience in my low numbered days here and at other sites(I normaly dont post much on forums ).
Thanks for your report. It looks like i should be able to fix that but i will have to look later (I am at work for the next 8 hours ).
You are already a valued member of the community, as are all our members. We are different to the other sites, this is your site and any suggestions are always welcome. We are a site made by the fans for the fans.
I'll let you know once i have fixed the bug if you could test it for me again once it is hopefully fixed. Anyway I'll post again then and thanks for your input!
*Update - I have managed to reproduce the error now thanks to help from Toadette! I will fix this the second i walk through the door tonight. I will update again once the problem is fixed!
Heres my "beta test" report. Clicked the Edit button on earlier post. Changed preview post first option to NO Click submit and received the following error:
Invalid query: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1
Thanks Fifth. That is a Javascript error that messes with my head. I have spent hours trying to find where the problem is but to no avail. It doesn´t mess with any other javascript though so I was not too worried about it. I guess that´s what you get for borrowing code