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 » Nintendo DS(i) Rom Hacking and Translations
  Pokemon Black Aceakrd 2i Help
Posted by KasaiWolf on Sun, July 15th, 2012 at 23:32 - 3 Comments
KasaiWolf United Kingdom

Hey guys I have a bit of a strange problem with my Acekard you see right up until a few months ago I was playing Pokemon Black on it but not its just stopped working and won't load. It only leads to a white screen when I load it and does nothing after that. I have tried formatting it multiple times with the SD formatter, I have tried two seperate SD cards and even 2 DS's. In short nothing works.

It is up at the latest firmware released recently and all my other Pokemon games work with it (including White and Black 2). None of the hacks of Pokemon Black work either that I have tried.

Anyway if anyone could help that would be very appreciated.

 » Comment on: Pokemon Black Aceakrd 2i Help
Rennossa Poland

  Mon, July 16th, 2012 at 08:04
Have you tried to update your loader. I suppose you're using Akaio 1.9, right?
 » Comment on: Pokemon Black Aceakrd 2i Help
KasaiWolf United Kingdom

  Mon, July 16th, 2012 at 08:19
I am using the update that came out about a week ago 1.9.0 indeed. This has happened with two different loaders though which is why I am so confused. I even thought about if it was some cheats I had put on or not but nothing.

It is honestly one of the strangest things I have seen.
 » Comment on: Pokemon Black Aceakrd 2i Help
Rennossa Poland

  Mon, July 16th, 2012 at 09:28
I had such a problem too, when I was about to play BW2. It occured because files on SD were corrupted I suppose. My SD slot in MacBook Pro is not working so I connected via my phone but on OS X I was unable to unplug it safely. I tried copying my backuped files via Windows and it worked nicely :). Am I a gramma nazi? xD

Anyway I don't suppose it will help you. Maybe try to put fresh files on your SD? (of course leave save files :D)

This post has been edited by Rennossa, Mon, July 16th, 2012 at 09:31

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