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Posted by Rowzone on Sun, April 29th, 2012 at 18:36 - 4 Comments
Rowzone United Kingdom

Well ive been doing a programming course in college for 2 years and ill be starting computer science at uni in september . Problem is my college has taught me little to non programming  laugh ino there's a few programmers on this website so I was wondering what's a good way for me to learn a few things quickly

 » Comment on: Programming
Nathan Slovenia

  Sun, April 29th, 2012 at 19:51
Get books on programming, read, practise, read more, practise more, read even more, practise until you pass out, and so forth.

I'm serious about practising so much. I didn't practise in the first semester and now at the end of the second semester I still barely know how to program. We need to make an Angry Birds clone thing before next week Monday, but I really haven't a clue what to do and even if I skip every lesson and learn/work 24/7 the following week, there's no way I can ever finish it, so I've just given up on it. All the fault of my fucking laziness. Even now I'm slacking off. :(

Anyway, you'll probably learn Java at uni so get some books on that.

BUT BUT BUT: you don't actually need to know anything about programming before uni (at least not in Belgium), so as long as you pay attention in class, read and work a lot you shouldn't have any problems.
 » Quoting: Programming
Foxi4 Poland

  Sun, April 29th, 2012 at 21:05
Rowzone on Sun, April 29th, 2012 at 18:36 GMT  
Well ive been doing a programming course in college for 2 years and ill be starting computer science at uni in september . Problem is my college has taught me little to non programming  laugh ino there's a few programmers on this website so I was wondering what's a good way for me to learn a few things quickly

What platform are you most interested in?

Some platforms use platform-specific libraries to access hardware, books aren't always going to help.

I'm hosting a DS-related programming guide, it's on GBATemp if you're interested. I'll eventually start hosting it here aswell, but for now it's just a lot of unnecessary copy-pasting when the guide is unfinished.
 » Comment on: Programming
Kon-Tiki Belgium

  Sun, April 29th, 2012 at 22:14
Nathan's right. Practice practice practice practice. Aside from that, it helps if you learn the MVC principle (it's highly useful in web development, but just as much in any other kind of development) and get familiar with some design patterns. I'll urge you to get familiar with them, but don't program in design patterns. They're good to learn how to structure your code, but they're not lego blocks to build your code with. Also read up on some basic best practices. I used to put all my forms in one huge file, and all my functions in another. That's a horrible mess to maintain afterwards. If you read up on best practices before you start, you'll avoid such nightmares.

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Oh, and most importantly: take a break every 3 hours, max! If you don't, you'll just make a mess, waste tons of time doing stuff like: "But why do I get no results from my database? The query's right there!" while you got the query, but never executed it. I've seen plenty of people (myself included) make that mistake when starting out, and wasting up to 5 hours looking for it, while all that was needed, was taking regular breaks, which'll avoid such problems.

This post has been edited by auto system, Sun, April 29th, 2012 at 22:16

Reason: auto merged post
 » Comment on: Programming
Rowzone United Kingdom

  Mon, April 30th, 2012 at 21:21
Thanks for the advice lads  grin between my break from the end of college and the start of uni ill pick up some books and practise

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