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 » Valentines Raffle 2012
  DS-Scene Valentines Raffle Winners - See the results here
Posted by retrohead on Sat, February 25th, 2012 at 17:41 - 58 Comments
retrohead United Kingdom

[User Posted Image]
Valentines Raffle

in association with
[User Posted Image]
Competition Over

The big day is here at last. The draw has taken place and the winners have been sent PM's requesting their prize selections. If you are a winner, please reply to this PM as quick as possible as you are keeping the next person waiting to make their selection.

We really appreciated all the nice things people were saying about the site and some of the posts really made us laugh. Thanks for taking part and we hope you enjoyed yourselves as much as we did reading your comments.

If you didn't win or couldn't take part this time, then you will be pleased to hear that we will be trying to make events like this a little more regular in the not-too-distant future.

For the full list of entries, click here.

Winners Circle

Congratulations go to the following people. Thanks for taking part and please check your PM boxes ASAP:


Peach's Pet

Unfortunately, no-one's name came out of the hat twice so we have decided that Foxi4 will receive the Peach's Pet award for the poem he wrote about DS-Scene along with managing to post it via both methods.

Well done Foxi4, you will receive the award in your profile soon!

New Tagline

The spirit of creating a new tagline for DS-Scene was not really felt by everyone but there were some nice entries. We will be looking into these a bit more over the weekend and will announce something about that soon. I think any that will get used will be modified a little but we would like to thank the following people for their effort to actually create a new tagline:

Zombie Puppy, superbean, vanocor, Crig_tumblr, Zilchrion, Monti_kun, barrowmanandrew and popcap21

You can vote for your favorite tagline here.

This post has been edited by retrohead, Thu, March 1st, 2012 at 21:06

 » Comment on: DS-Scene Valentines Raffle Winners - See the results here
SignZ Germany

  Sat, February 25th, 2012 at 17:59
Yahooo! Thanks, retrohead. :D
 » Comment on: DS-Scene Valentines Raffle Winners - See the results here
retrohead United Kingdom

  Sat, February 25th, 2012 at 18:27
The next people to claim their prizes are not regular users. Please be patient while we retrieve everyone's prize requirements. This is the fun part :3
 » Comment on: DS-Scene Valentines Raffle Winners
Monti_kun Russia

  Sat, February 25th, 2012 at 19:20
Too bad i didnt win anyting. Congratulations to winners. wink
Thanks to DS-Scene and GamingMart for making such contest. =)

This post has been edited by Monti_kun, Sat, February 25th, 2012 at 19:24
 » Comment on: DS-Scene Valentines Raffle Winners - See the results here
Foxi4 Poland

  Sat, February 25th, 2012 at 21:25
D'aww, I didn't get a PM, thus I guess I didn't win anything... That's a shame, but hey! At least I entered the competition with some sort of a tagline! Congrats for all those who won! :)

I'm quite glad that I got the Peach's Pet reward though! That's pretty awesome! :D

This post has been edited by Foxi4, Sat, February 25th, 2012 at 21:30
 » Comment on: DS-Scene Valentines Raffle Winners - See the results here
retrohead United Kingdom

  Sat, February 25th, 2012 at 21:49
Foxi4 I was going to send you a personal PM about the award but I forgot in the whirlwind of everything. Glad you noticed though, we liked the uniqueness of a poem :)
 » Quoting: Comment on: DS-Scene Valentines Raffle Winners - See the results here
Foxi4 Poland

  Sat, February 25th, 2012 at 21:52
retrohead on Sat, February 25th, 2012 at 21:49 GMT  
Foxi4 I was going to send you a personal PM about the award but I forgot in the whirlwind of everything. Glad you noticed though, we liked the uniqueness of a poem :)

That's quite alright Retro. ;)

Reward or no reward, my heart will always be with your site. ;) My adventure with the Scene began here and trust me, I will be a faithful member until it ends... that is, if it ever ends. ;)
 » Comment on: DS-Scene Valentines Raffle Winners - See the results here
patay_ako Philippines

  Sat, February 25th, 2012 at 22:02
hahahaha! i won
thanks ds-scene
be waiting for the next pm
 » Comment on: DS-Scene Valentines Raffle Winners - See the results here
Crig_tumblr France

  Sat, February 25th, 2012 at 22:47
oh my :3 Thanks guys!
 » Comment on: DS-Scene Valentines Raffle Winners - See the results here
Nathan Slovenia

  Sat, February 25th, 2012 at 23:46
Congrats to all winners, and to the losers (wink): better luck next time!

This guy will be happy he'll be able to send everyone their respective prizes
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