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 » Nintendo DS(i) Homebrew Development
  Stopwatch DS - The name says it all
Posted by Foxi4 on Fri, February 18th, 2011 at 19:27 - 15 Comments
Foxi4 Poland


Stopwatch DS

The name says it all - it's a stopwatch.

Why make one? Well, usually when you have a digital stopwatch, you have access to a few functions: the time, the date and the stopwatch itself, but you can only use one function at a time. Not only that, but most stopwatches have a limit of 5 lap times! Another problem with traditional stopwatches is that sometimes you can accidentally press the reset button and lose all your lap times.

This stopwatch shows you everything - the date, the current time, total time of all laps and up to 48 laps on the top screen! The reset function locks itself when the stopwatch is in-use, so you'll never lose your lap times again. It's easy-to-use for anyone and it has a nice "tick" to it.

I hope you'll enjoy using Stopwatch DS! Maybe I'll even make it to the Download Page here - it'd be nice, since I don't have any means of counting how many downloads of the file were made on my site. In any case...

Download Link! (v0.2)

Future plans regarding the project:

* Miliseconds support
* Counting the time difference between laps
* Nicer graphical GUI, hopefuly with an "analog" watch face and watch hands in addition to the digital display

This post has been edited by Foxi4, Sat, February 19th, 2011 at 22:20

 » Comment on: Stopwatch DS
Athmel United States

  Fri, February 18th, 2011 at 20:28
But can I travel through time with this, Foxi?
 » Quoting: Comment on: Stopwatch DS
Foxi4 Poland

  Fri, February 18th, 2011 at 20:46
Athmel on Fri, February 18th, 2011 at 20:28 [»]

But can I travel through time with this, Foxi?

I tried to implement that function, but my research suggests that time travel requires 1.21 jigawatts of electricity... The DS's battery is far too small to utilize the full potential of the console's hardware. Unless you find me a portable nuclear reactor, some uranium and a Slot-1 compatible flux generator. Then it just *might* work out. A DeLorean would be nice too.

This post has been edited by Foxi4, Fri, February 18th, 2011 at 20:52
 » Comment on: Stopwatch DS
Clookster Mongolia

  Fri, February 18th, 2011 at 21:11
It looks ultra cool. Really.

I usually don't need a Stopwatch.

But you know what? I'll use it to stop the time of something really really illicit and immoral this week-end. Just for fun.  chill
 » Comment on: Stopwatch DS
Foxi4 Poland

  Fri, February 18th, 2011 at 21:25
Hehe, I wonder what that could be wink

In any case, please post any errors you might find. I already found one bug to fix, but it wasn't a really troublesome one. It's been dealt with and I posted the v0.2 already.

This post has been edited by Foxi4, Fri, February 18th, 2011 at 21:58
 » Comment on: Stopwatch DS
Nathan Slovenia

  Fri, February 18th, 2011 at 23:53
I'll upload it to the Download Centre first thing in the morning. I'll leave the news posts up to you. If you make a newer version, contact me (or another news poster for that matter) before posting it and it'll be upped ASAP.

It looks really nice (although I must say the R and A look almost exactly the same ;)). Congrats!
 » Quoting: Comment on: Stopwatch DS
Foxi4 Poland

  Sat, February 19th, 2011 at 00:00
Overlord Nadrian on Fri, February 18th, 2011 at 23:53 [»]

I'll upload it to the Download Centre first thing in the morning. I'll leave the news posts up to you. If you make a newer version, contact me (or another news poster for that matter) before posting it and it'll be upped ASAP.

It looks really nice (although I must say the R and A look almost exactly the same ;)). Congrats!

Yeah, I know about the R's and A's... Not only they look exactly the same - they are exactly the same. Still, it's one of my favourite fonts, so I used it. XD

As far as the news post is concerned, I don't mind copy-pasta of the first post in this thread. X3
...this feels ubercool somehow. X3

This post has been edited by Foxi4, Sat, February 19th, 2011 at 00:01
 » Comment on: Stopwatch DS
dejwid Poland

  Sun, February 20th, 2011 at 16:10
I'll read books with this and then watch how long it takes me to read each page :P
 » Quoting: Comment on: Stopwatch DS
jetkun United Kingdom

  Tue, February 22nd, 2011 at 16:34
dejwid on Sun, February 20th, 2011 at 16:10 [»]

I'll read books with this and then watch how long it takes me to read each page :P

This app is truly a wonder of science.
 » Comment on: Stopwatch DS
Foxi4 Poland

  Wed, March 2nd, 2011 at 13:11
The Stepwatch is currently in v0.3 Alpha-3 stage. The Checkpoints and Time Difference between laps has been added, but seeing as now there's so much sh*t on the screen, I still have to add a page-scrolling system for viewing the results. In any case, here's a sneak-peek screenshot for y'all. I'll probably add the page-scrolling system on saturday or sunday, or whatever day that I'll have spare time to work on it and I won't wake up with the "I don't wanna..." feeling.

Le Screen Shot

This post has been edited by Foxi4, Wed, March 2nd, 2011 at 13:13
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