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 » Nintendo DS(i) Tutorials
  "How to hack your DS" ... by kotaku
Posted by wiimancj on Sun, July 18th, 2010 at 09:58 - 16 Comments
wiimancj Romania


 » Comment on: "How to hack your DS" ... by kotaku
Shintek Germany

  Sun, July 18th, 2010 at 11:12
Nothing really new but a good summary and how-to.
 » Comment on: "How to hack your DS" ... by kotaku
kesadisan Indonesia

  Sun, July 18th, 2010 at 11:20
and yeah, they really like Piracy
Wii's article sucks btw
 » Comment on: "How to hack your DS" ... by kotaku
Athmel United States

  Sun, July 18th, 2010 at 11:26
I was more interested in the comments of the article than the article itself.
 » Comment on: "How to hack your DS" ... by kotaku
Njrg United States

  Sun, July 18th, 2010 at 21:35
Me thinks they get paid in commissions for flashcart selling.
Why else publish information thats already readily available and easy to scout with Google?

Even if people were in good nature and didn't pirate, nin10doh or any other publisher would be against running backups.

I was waiting for the sentence that says "Skip this tedious step that will take sometimes hours and download your dumped game here: "  Because thats what we're all thinking. :
I sure as hell would never dump my own game if it easier/quicker to download one in seconds instead.
 » Quoting: Comment on: "How to hack your DS" ... by kotaku
Ark0110 United States

  Sun, July 18th, 2010 at 22:31
Njrg on Sun, July 18th, 2010 at 21:35 [»]

Me thinks they get paid in commissions for flashcart selling.
Why else publish information thats already readily available and easy to scout with Google?

Even if people were in good nature and didn't pirate, nin10doh or any other publisher would be against running backups.

I was waiting for the sentence that says "Skip this tedious step that will take sometimes hours and download your dumped game here: "  Because thats what we're all thinking. :
I sure as hell would never dump my own game if it easier/quicker to download one in seconds instead.

I just thought that they were Sony/Applefags and they took yet another chance to spread their cautious hate for the other console makers.
They don't seem to make articles with obvious hate, but they just hit Nintendo too many times and skip the chances to hit Sony or Apple a little too often.
 » Comment on: "How to hack your DS" ... by kotaku
Njrg United States

  Sun, July 18th, 2010 at 23:35
Kotaku isn't among the bullshit sites I visit to get my exaggerated fake or biased news.

I have Sankakucomplex for that. And man do they really hate China. >_>
I like that site for its wierd stories like 8 years olds killing 6 year olds over lunch money.
But I also hate the site for posting nude pictures of random sluts from the chans and try to pass it off as news. That site is like 95% bullshit, but its fun bullshit.
 » Quoting: Comment on: "How to hack your DS" ... by kotaku
Ark0110 United States

  Mon, July 19th, 2010 at 00:16
Njrg on Sun, July 18th, 2010 at 23:35 [»]

Kotaku isn't among the bullshit sites I visit to get my exaggerated fake or biased news.

I have Sankakucomplex for that. And man do they really hate China. >_>
I like that site for its wierd stories like 8 years olds killing 6 year olds over lunch money.
But I also hate the site for posting nude pictures of random sluts from the chans and try to pass it off as news. That site is like 95% bullshit, but its fun bullshit.

I never said they were fake, but their news are rather one sided. They don't really scream "WE HATE NINTENDO!", but they like to give hints towards that way quite often, and in a quite subtle way.
It's like how right now I have to turn to Siliconera if I want some news about Nintendo, since Kotaku seems to give none, besides jokes and the article posted in this thread. But to say the truth, no articles in both sites seem to interest me lately.

I remember laughing at their "PSP IS WINNING!" when you could just sum the DSi and DSi XL numbers and see that they were higher than the PSP sales. Well, the funny comments ended when the PSP was actually "winning".

But yeah, they aren't such a liars, but they aren't that "pure" either. It's like how IGN sometimes has good reviews, and many times have reviews that are nothing more than shit.

I actually like how Sankakucomplex seems to hit all makers at some point. At least they do it when Kotaku doesn't while they should.

Guess that the only good thing about Kotaku is that they are rather... Hmmm... "friendly" with what they say.

This post has been edited by Ark0110, Mon, July 19th, 2010 at 00:18
 » Comment on: "How to hack your DS" ... by kotaku
akfgftw United States

  Mon, July 19th, 2010 at 02:04
They also bought the flash carts from ModChipCentral, I mean why they are like ⅹ2 as much compared to lighttake, so they must have done some advertising for them.
 » Comment on: "How to hack your DS" ... by kotaku
GuyMeatdrapes Svalbard

  Mon, July 19th, 2010 at 02:04
This would be really cool if it wasn't so uncool.
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