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  GTA:Chinatown Wars Game Help - Official Game Thread
Posted by Onelouder on Wed, March 18th, 2009 at 17:27 - 6 Comments
Onelouder Canada

Section 1 - Notes

Let's start contributing and build an item, stunts, tricks and hints map.

Read this post before asking a question
So many people are asking dumb questions like where is the auto shop, when the answer is right here, and there are a few maps to it throughout this thread. 99% of your questions will be answered right here in this post. If it isn't, then ask. Thanks

Many of the questions in the forum about locations of things get programmed into your GPS when you drive past them. There are 3 icons on the leftside of your map, the middle one has a section called 'Odd Jobs' which has a whole bunch of locations for cool side missions, including some of those listed here. Check it out and go have fun!

Section 2 - Hints

NEW: You can change the 3 quick menu icons in the bottom right of the touchscreen by going to the pda menu, holding down, and dragging the icon you want into one of the 3 quickmenu icons. Very helpful to have the turfmap there for quick access.

Whistle for a cab using the microphone, it's a warp all around Liberty City!

Scratch Cards: They are all over. The scratch cards will give you Armor, Health, Lots of Weapons, an apartment in Star Junction, and cash of course.

The Blue Swirls: At the end of the game, 2 Golden Lions will randomly appear at the blue swirls. Catch them, then go online and upload your stats to the Social Club, and you will get 2 Bonus Missions!

Section 3 - 100% Completion

58 main story missions - 41%
8 Random Characters with 14 missions - 9.56%
16 Odd Jobs - 4.37%
35 Rampages - 9.5%
34 Races - 9.28%
100 Security Cameras - 6.83%
30 Stunt Jumps - 4.1%
80 Drug Dealers - 5.46%
21 Safehouses - 4.3%
8 Dealing Rewards - 5.46%
2 Lion Statues - .14%

Section 4 - Maps

100 Security Cameras: You may have noticed security cameras all over the game, especially near the alleys where the drug dealers hang out. Destroy these cameras with Grenades or Molotov Cocktails, and the price of drugs will drop, as well as the chance of you getting busted by the cops during a deal.

Dealer Location Map, all 80 of them!

Unique Stunts, Rampages, Dealers, and Security Cameras!
INCOMPLETE, if you have a complete Unique Stunts or Rampages map, pm me or post it in this thread so I can put it here.

Here's the Full Map!

Section 5 - Odd Jobs
Descriptions, Rewards, and Locations

Police Vigilante Mission - Complete the mission with a 100% kill rate to get Gold
Reward: Double Armor

Paramedic Mission - Complete 5 waves of rescues with a 100% survival rate to get Gold
Reward: Infinite Sprint

Taxi Driver Mission - Complete 15 passenger cab rides to get Gold
Reward: Bulletproof Taxis

Firefighter Mission - Complete the waves of Fires and Riots to get Gold
Location: Northwood Fire Station
Reward: Fireproof

Missions on Algonquin (West part of Map)

Liberty State Delivery - Get Gold delivering packages
Location: Blue Delivery Truck parked near post office in Middle Park East
Reward: Part 1 of 2 part mission to carry 100 drugs (Alpha Mail Delivery on other island is Part 2)

HoboTron - Defend yourself in an attack against lots of homeless people
Location: Cemetery on south shore of North Colony Island
Reward: It's alot of fun! Also a percentage towards 100% completion

Noodle Run - Make all deliveries to get Gold
Location: Dragon Wagon outside restaurant in Chinatown
Reward: Part 1 of 2 part mission to get Regenerating Health when it falls below 25%

Transfender Invitational - Win all race courses for Gold
Location: Sign-up board near Purgatory Pay'n'Spray
Reward: Multi-Mission challenge to unlock cars in Auto Merchant (Formula R and 500 XLR8)

These missions are all related to unlock Vehicles in the Auto Merchant, complete them all to get the prize

East Side Escapade - Win the race in under 50 seconds for Gold
Location: Banshee parked on sidewalk in East Holland near a colorful wall poster

Patriot Park TT - Get Gold in all 4 Patriot courses
Location: Patriot parked next to clubhouse and large pond in Middle Park

Wetscapade TT - Get Gold in all 4 Jet Ski courses
Location: Wet Ski docked near bulkhead stairs at the east shoreline in Lancet

Midtown Mayhem - Win the race in under 50 seconds for Gold
Location: Sultan parked near colorful graffiti in large parking lot in Meat Quarter

Loose Change - Win the race in under 50 seconds for Gold
Location: Cavalcade FXT in the construction yard near a chainsaw in Castle Gardens

Missions on Bohan/Dukes/Broker (North and East part of Map)

Liberty City Gun Club - Complete Gold for all Weapons Training
Location: Southwest corner of Francis Airport District
Reward: Discount on weapons at AmmuNation

Alpha Mail Delivery - Get Gold delivering packages
Location: Blue Delivery Truck parked in Alpha Mail parking lot in Industrial
Reward: Part 2 of 2 part mission to carry 100 drugs

Warehouse Raid - Kill the guards and steal the van from the warehouse
Location: Chase Point warehouse
Reward: The drugs in the stolen van

Tattoo Parlor - Get Gold in the Tattoo Parlor
Location: Parlor in Cerveza Heights (opposite side of your first safehouse)
Reward: Cash

Fast Tracks - Get Gold in race/shooting course with Rhino (Tank)
Location: Rhino outside warehouse in Francis Airport
Reward: Percentage towards 100% completion

Noodle Run - Make all deliveries to get Gold
Location: Dragon Wagon outside restaurant in Cerveza Heights
Reward: Part 2 of 2 part mission to get Regenerating Health when it falls below 25%

S&M Grand Slam -
Location: S&M sign-up board on Auto Sales building in Chase Point
Reward: Multi-Mission challenge to unlock cars in Auto Merchant (Formula R and Style SR)

Hi-Way Tire Tourney -
Location: Sign-up board behind Hi-Way Tire Shop in Beechwood City
Reward: Multi-Mission challenge to unlock cars in Auto Merchant (Formula R and MK GT9)

Go-Kar-TT - Complete Gold in all 4 courses
Location: Go-kart parked next to race track at the amusement park in Firefly Island
Reward: Unlocks Go-Kart in Auto Merchant

These missions are all related to unlock Vehicles in the Auto Merchant, complete them all to get the prize

Boulevard TT -
Location: Sanchez under a tree in the park

Bohan Snake -
Location: Hellenbach behind the corner sidewalk wall in Industrial

Graveyard Groove -
Location: Hearse in parking lot on west side of cemetery in Steinway

Dukes Dust Up TT -
Location: Sultan parked between museum and tennis courts in Meadow Hills

Monument Mania -
Location: Angel parked near fence on north end of South Slopes park

Beach Blitz -
Location: Sabre GT in the driveway of large house in Beach Gate

Section 6 - Cheat Codes

The dpad is Left Right Up Down
The corner buttons are L R

Weapons 1      - R Up B Down Left R B Right
Weapons 2      - R Up A Down Left R A Right
Weapons 3      - R Up Y Down Left R Y Right
Weapons 4      - R Up X Down Left R X Right

Health             - L L R A A B B R
Armor             - L L R B B A A R

Wanted Up       - L L R Y Y X X R
Wanted Down   - R X X Y Y R L L

Hurricane       - Up Down Left Right B Y R L
Lots of Rain    - Up Down Left Right A X R L
Sunny            - Up Down Left Right A B L R
Rain               - Up Down Left Right Y A L R
Cloud             - Up Down Left Right X Y L R

This post has been edited by Onelouder, Thu, March 26th, 2009 at 11:33

 » Comment on: GTA:Chinatown Wars Game Help
Hellscaretaker United Kingdom

  Wed, March 18th, 2009 at 18:05
Hope you dont mind me adding this one -

things you see happen around town.

I took out a police car that was in fact chasing someone else, i just come to a cross roads this car zooms past closely followed by a police car that i crash into opps!!!
 » Comment on: GTA:Chinatown Wars Game Help
316894 United Kingdom

  Thu, March 19th, 2009 at 00:08
Hard to miss that, when it happens right at the very beginning of the game if you're nailing it.

Didn't realise there were so many Dealers!

This post has been edited by 316894, Thu, March 19th, 2009 at 00:24
 » Comment on: GTA:Chinatown Wars Game Help
logical thinker Japan

  Thu, March 19th, 2009 at 01:11
Side Mission
Go Kart: I don't know what is the reward...

                                                                        It's located here: ^
 » Comment on: GTA:Chinatown Wars Game Help
jmrjmr Bermuda

  Tue, November 30th, 2010 at 19:51
Here is the unique stunt jumps map


 » Comment on: GTA:Chinatown Wars Game Help
Shadowslayer577 United Kingdom

  Thu, June 26th, 2014 at 16:38
Thanks so much! I was ripping my hair out looking for these drugdealers! My only other request is could you make a map with Police Stations, Noodle vans, Ambulances. Etc  etc so we can all find the missions and complete them to get to 100%
wink  wink
 » Comment on: GTA:Chinatown Wars Game Help - Official Game Thread
Nathan Slovenia

  Thu, June 26th, 2014 at 17:14
Hahaha, wow, love how some of these pics have since been replaced with other pics.

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