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 » Comment on: Super Smash Bros. Charged v1.1.0 Beta
Swifty1992 Australia

  Fri, February 10th, 2012 at 14:41
I've posted this over at the source too, but I'll post it here for the sake of discussion.

I appreciate that maybe you don't have the time to spend to create your own menus, but stealing them is not the way to do it. My team and I worked for quite a while to make the menu you conveniently stole from one of our older builds.

Your menu is literally our menu with your own logo edited in on the top screen. Please have some class.
We have the original PSDs for everything, including the buttons, which were animated in our game, Super Smash Bros Clash.

If you are to continue making your Smash Bros game, I must insist that you cease using, and remove all elements of our menu from it for all future releases. Make your own identity. Have fun with it.

For a more detailed breakdown, view the below screenshots of our game (SSB Clash) and the copied menu for comparison:

All the best with the continued development of your game,

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