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 » Comment on: R4iDSN Wood - Fix for 3DS Firmware 2.2
Clookster Mongolia

  Mon, November 21st, 2011 at 13:48
So guys, we're done with testing. We found the problem.

Wood R4iDSN 1.40 together with the new patch from R4iDSN team will erase the entire contend of your Micro SDHC card.

Even on a legit R4iDSN cart with the legit R4iDSN patch and the legit Wood for R4iDSN.

Thanks for testing, timmy99.

Older versions of Wood R4iDSN work. It's Wood R4iDSN 1.40 that erases your Micro SDHC card.

This post has been edited by Clookster, Mon, November 21st, 2011 at 13:51

Reason: Info added

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