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 » Quoting: Comment on: Dragon Quest IX - a fake ROM appears!
Guncannon Canada

  Tue, July 7th, 2009 at 16:07
Triforce on Tue, July 7th, 2009 at 14:40 [»]

I sent you a pm with the link to it, its only a few images in the slide-show which should normally see for a tiny file size, but the game has been padded out to 512Mbit in order to look more legit i guess.

The header, icon and serial have been faked to look like the real thing, although the fake icon is terrible. Anyway i don't want to host it on ds-scene due to tits and cocks so if anyone else wants ill send a link through pm

Hahaha! laugh I was actually just joking about it.  But thanks anyway.

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