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 » Comment on: M3 Real or Acekard 2i? Or both?
Foxi4 Poland

  Wed, January 30th, 2013 at 01:07
The Acekard 2i does not receive firmware updates for the time being, and it's unlikely that it will anytime soon due to hardware issues which surfaced when combating the latest Nintendo DSi/3DS updates - while AKAIO is still supported and does get compatibility updates, the development of the firmware itself has frozen with no word on an update coming up anytime soon. If you're planning to use the cart on a DSi/3DS, you're better off getting an R4i Gold (R4iDS.CN model) which is still supported both by its team and by WOOD.

If you're willing to dish out some extra buck, get the DSTwo which is currently the leading flashcart for the system.

If you're using a DS Lite/DS Classic and have no intention of switching to a DSi or a 3DS, go ahead and get an Acekard - compatibility-wise and built quality-wise, it's fantastic - I'd know, I have one.

As for differences between the M3 and the Acekard 2i... the only thing that comes to mind is "Everything is better, nothing is worse", it's a quality product.

This post has been edited by Foxi4, Wed, January 30th, 2013 at 01:17

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